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Q: What is used in refrigerators instead of CFC's?
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What are cfcs used for?

Its used in the compressors of refrigerators and air- conditioners

What kind of gas damages the ozone layer?

CFCs, or chlorofluorocarbons, which is the gas used in old refrigerators.

Where does chlorofluorocarbon come from?

CFCs are man-made substances, which account for much of the damage to the ozone layer. CFCs were first used to clean electronic circuit boards, and as time progressed, were used in aerosols and coolants, such as refrigerators and air conditioners.

How can chlorofluorocarbons be reduced?

The manufacture of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) for industrial use has been banned. When old refrigerators and airconditioning units are scrapped, the CFCs they contain should be trapped for reuse or destruction.

What appliances increase CFCs in the atmosphere?

Various appliances cause ozone depletion. These are refrigerators, air conditioners etc.

What kind of environmental issues new york have?

smoke from vehicles,moreover CFCs from refrigerators and many more may have.

Is the hole of ozone layer changing?

Yes. Countries have gradually phased out the production of CFCs. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that were used in refrigerators and aerosols are the main destroyers of the ozone layer. Since 2000 the holes have slowed in size. Scientists hope that the holes will be completely repaired by 2050.

Does refrigerator release CFC outside of cabinat while working?

I THINK there is a ban on CFC refrigerators in many countries already.

Why does refrigeration produce cfcs?

Refrigerators do not produce CFC. Old equipment contains these materials as they were the refrigerant of choice before the Montreal Protocol. The old equipment lost the CFCs to the atmosphere due to leaks and gasket failure.

Where are refrigerators used?

Refrigerators are used in houses

Are humans responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer?

Yes. People developed chemicals such as CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons) for use in refrigerators and as a propellant gas in aerosols. These CFCs rose high into the atmosphere and caused damage to the ozone layer. the use of CFCs has since been banned and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. Hopefully.

How are cfcs used in aerosol?

CFCs were the compressed gas that was used as "spring" to push the can contents out of the container. CFCs have been replaced with HCFCs as a consequence of the Montreal Protocol.