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Q: What is used to describe a group of ecosystems that are near one another and have similar climates but do not interact?
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Which statement best describes ecosystems on Earth?

Apex question test which best describes the first organisms on Earth is simple prokaryotes.

Do ecosystems operate independently of one another?

Ecosystems are interconnected and not operate independently of one another. They rely on exchanges of energy, nutrients, and organisms among different ecosystems to function properly. Changes in one ecosystem can have ripple effects on surrounding ecosystems.

What is the main source of energy that powers most ecosystems on earth?

The sun Added: This is definitely true. Sunlight affects all surface and shallow water ecosystems. All though the sun provides us with a primary source of energy for almost all of earth's ecosystems, with proof of greenery from photosynthesis; this is not the case in such areas like the land of the Sahara desert and the Southwest climates of the USA. The lack of abundant water is another factor.

What is the largest level of biological study?

The largest level of biological study is the biosphere, which encompasses all ecosystems on Earth where living organisms interact with one another and their physical environment. It includes the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere.

What type of ecosystem does the ecosystem live in?

Well, an ecosystem, is a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their enviroment. An ecosystem can be as small as a field or as large as the ocean. It is used to describe the world's major different habitat types. Terrestrial ecosystems include: arctic and alpine ecosystems, dominated by tundra with scarce vegetation; forest ecosystems, which can be subdivided into a whole range of types including tropical rainforests, Mediterranean evergreen forests, boreal forests, and temperate coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests; grasslands and savannas; and deserts and semi-arid ecosystems. Freshwater ecosystems include lakes, rivers, and marshlands. Marine ecosystems comprise an enormous range, from coral reefs, mangroves, sea-grass beds, and other shallow coastal water ecosystems, to open-water ones, including the mysterious, little-known ecosystems of the abyssal plains and trenches of the world's oceans.

Related questions

What do all eco-systems have in common?

The only commonality between ecosystems is that they are made up of organisms that interact with one another and non-living materials.

If you ecology what are you studying?

You would be studying the relationships between organisms and their environment, including how they interact with each other and with their surroundings. This field also focuses on studying ecosystems, populations, communities, and the impact of human activities on the natural world.

Describe the interaction between a plant and its environment?

Plants interact with their environment through processes like photosynthesis, where they use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce energy. They also respond to external stimuli such as temperature, light, and soil nutrients to grow and reproduce. Additionally, plants provide oxygen and food for other organisms, contributing to the overall ecosystem.

How can you save the ecosystems?

search another website !

Which statement best describes ecosystems on Earth?

Apex question test which best describes the first organisms on Earth is simple prokaryotes.

What is the main source of energy that powers most ecosystems on earth?

The sun Added: This is definitely true. Sunlight affects all surface and shallow water ecosystems. All though the sun provides us with a primary source of energy for almost all of earth's ecosystems, with proof of greenery from photosynthesis; this is not the case in such areas like the land of the Sahara desert and the Southwest climates of the USA. The lack of abundant water is another factor.

What is another term for climates zones?

The right answer is Biomes

What shows how energy from food passes from one organism to another?


True or false organ systems do not interact with one another?

False. Organ systems in the body interact and work together to maintain homeostasis. For example, the circulatory system delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells, which are then utilized by the respiratory and digestive systems to produce energy.

How water is a limiting Factor?

All Ecosystems need it one way or another

Do ecosystems have borders Explain.?

no,the global ecosystem is connected one way or another

What shows how energy from food passes form one organism to another?
