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Q: What is used to examining extremely small specimens?
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What is used for examining extremely small specimens?


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This is the name for a small case or box used by a botanist to carry plant specimens.

How are microscopes used in industry?

for things that are extremely small

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During a sigmoidoscopy a thin, flexible instrument is used to visually examine the intestinal lining and obtain small tissue specimens

What is the medical term meaning instrument used to view small objects?

The medical term for an instrument used to view small objects is "microscope." It is commonly used in various medical fields for examining cells, tissues, or microorganisms at a magnified level.

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its easier to handle as its extremely small and used thoroughout the world

How do you use a pooter?

A pooter is a device used to collect insects or small specimens. To use a pooter you just aim it at the insect and pull the trigger like a gun.

What is the meaning of fine adjustment knob in microscope?

The fine adjustment knob in a microscope is used to make precise focusing adjustments. It allows the user to refine the focus by making small, incremental movements of the objective lens. This feature is particularly useful when examining very detailed or delicate specimens that require precise focusing.

What is microtechnique?

Microtechnique refers to the procedures and techniques used to prepare small biological specimens for microscopic examination, particularly in the field of biology and medicine. This includes processes like fixation, embedding, sectioning, staining, and mounting of specimens on slides to visualize structures at a cellular or subcellular level.

Is minuscule a noun?

No, the word 'minuscule' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun as tiny, extremely small.

23000 in scientisfic notation?

The scientific notation of 23,000 is 2.3 x 10^4. Scientific notation is used to handle extremely large or extremely small numbers.