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upper layer connection oriented protocols

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Q: What is usually used to acknowledge that data was received and to request the retransmission of missing data?
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When connectionless protocols are implemented at the lower layers of the OSI model what are usually used to acknowledge the data receipt and request the retransmission of missing data?

upper-layer connection-oriented protocols

Describe the ways in which the request-reply protocol masks the heterogeneity of operating systems and of computer networks?

An efficient request-reply protocol for a client-server communication and data processing model. Under the novel protocol, a client sends a Request to a server and awaits a Reply. If the Reply is not sent before expiration of a timeout period in the client, the client sends a second Request. The server provides a conditional Acknowledge if a second Request is received from the client. Thereafter, the client waits for the server to transmit a Reply without the client sending additional Requests. Under normal conditions, the inventive protocol performs as well as the best prior art protocol (the optimistic model), while under abnormal conditions, the inventive protocol performs better than the optimistic protocol and only slightly worse than the prior art pessimistic protocol. Since normal conditions should prevail for a substantially longer amount of time than abnormal conditions, the present invention provides better average performance than either prior art client-server protocol.

How do you accept a friend request on a virtual horse?

when you get the e-mail friend request, there's a button at the bottom of it and you have the choice o refuse the request or accept it

What does Unrequited IP Address request mean?

I would think that the request was not satisfied but am not sure. Any feedback would be welcome.

What is the function of a redirector?

To determine whether a request is meant for the client CPU or the server.To determine whether a request is meant for the client CPU or the server

Related questions

When can the destination acknowledge bytes in discontiguous segments and request retransmission of missing data?

If both host support Selective acknowledgements, it is possible for the destination to acknowledge bytes in noncontiguous segments, and the host would only need to retransmit the missing data

When connectionless protocols are implemented at the lower layers of the OSI model what are usually used to acknowledge the data receipt and request the retransmission of missing data?

upper-layer connection-oriented protocols

Which OSI layer does IP rely on to determine whether packets have been lost and to request retransmission?


Which OSI layer protocol does IP rely on to determine whether packets have been lost and to request retransmission?

-Transport Layer

Why does IP TCP and UDP discard a packet that arrives with a checksum error without notifying the sender?

UDP protocol. ----------------------------------- Well my version of answer is: In the case of IP and UDP, these are unreliable protocols that do not guarantee delivery, so they do not notify the source. TCP does guarantee delivery. However, the technique that is used is a timeout. If the source does not receive an acknowledgment to data within a given period of time, the source retransmits.

A sentence for the worde request?

They received the request for supplies.

Is it correct to say this is regarding your request?

Yes, it is correct to say "this is regarding your request" when referring to a specific request or inquiry made by someone. It is a professional and clear way to acknowledge the subject of communication.

How do you request a Dept of Justice incident report?

There is a lot of missing information in the autopsy,corener and DA's protocol reports I received. Facts that differ from report to report, how do I request more info/ Such as, DOJ reports and renderings, officer statements, witness statements ect?

What is the function of interrupt acknowledge pin in 8085 micro processor?

The INTA- (Interrupt Acknowledge) pin on the 8085 is an acknowledge of the INTR (Interrupt Request). It has the same timing as RD-, and external hardware is expected to provide an opcode, usually a CALL or an RST instruction, in response to INTA-.

Do you have to go to the court or county where you received misdemeanor to request expunge?

You would need to go to the county courthouse where you received the misdemeanor to request it be expunged.

What is the meaning of INTA pin?

INTA stands for interrupt acknowledge. When it goes low, it asks the external device to get ready to place the type number onto the data bus. One device sends the interrupt request to the other device and when the other device is ready to accept that request , it sends the interrupt acknowledge to the device.

Which acquisition plan component should be deferred util a purchases request is received?

acquisition plan component should be deferred util a purchases request is received?