

What is wbc blood test?

Updated: 6/15/2024
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13y ago

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white blood cell countdetects dangerously low numbers of these cells during conditions or medications that weaken the immune system, such as HIV infection, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy cause a decrease in white blood cellsThe WBC count is used to determine the presence of an infection or leukemia. It is also used to help monitor the body's response to various treatments and to monitor bone marrow function.

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1mo ago

A white blood cell (WBC) count is a blood test that measures the number of white blood cells in the body. This test can help detect infections, inflammation, Allergies, and some types of cancer. Abnormal levels of white blood cells can indicate an underlying health condition that may require further investigation.

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For "wbc" or "white blood cell" test, you do NOT need to fast.

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A WBC lab test measures the number of white blood cells in a person's blood. White blood cells are important for fighting infections and the test can help diagnose various conditions such as infections, inflammation, and immune system disorders.

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WBC stands for white blood cells. White blood cells help the body fight infections and diseases. The WBC count in a CBC blood test is used to assess the body's immune system and overall health.

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WBC stands for white blood cell count in a hematology test. It indicates the number of white blood cells in a microliter of blood and is used to assess the body's immune system function and response to infections or diseases. High or low WBC counts can help in diagnosing various health conditions.

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A high WBC indicates a possible infection.

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In terms of a blood test, MID stands for mid-sized cells. This value is common in blood tests that check WBC or white blood cell count.

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WBC Micro Exam refers to a White Blood Cell (WBC) microscopic examination. It involves staining and observing a blood smear sample under a microscope to count and analyze the different types of white blood cells present. This test helps in diagnosing infections, inflammation, and other conditions affecting the immune system.

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WBC stands for white blood cells. In a urine test, the presence of white blood cells may indicate an infection or inflammation in the urinary tract. Elevated levels of WBCs in the urine can help healthcare providers diagnose and monitor urinary tract infections.

What is the wbc function?

The function of WBC (white blood cells) is to FIGHT INFECTIONS

What is the function of the WBC's?

The function of WBC (white blood cells) is to FIGHT INFECTIONS