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Q: What is well definent set give 5 examples?
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well help your animals and they give you pieces of furns

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A futuristic film is basically set in the future with developments in technology or society which we don't have now. Good examples are 'I, Robot' and 'Blade Runner'.

Can you give me 5 examples of homograph?

Sure! "Bow" (to bend forward) and "bow" (a type of weapon) "Tear" (to rip) and "tear" (a drop of water from the eye) "Lead" (to guide) and "lead" (a metal) "Wind" (to twist) and "wind" (movement of air) "Close" (nearby) and "close" (shut)

What would be a good jewelry set to give as a birthday gift for my girl?

Consider getting a necklace and earring set, which will match well and be fun to wear.

What are the examples of set of plants?

Examples of sets of plants are things like potted plants or seedlings which are sold in groups which thrive under the same conditions. For example, one might purchase a set of direct sun plants which will grow well in places where sun is always available.

Can you give me examples of infinite sets?

The set of natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) The set of all possible strings that can be formed by the alphabet (e.g. slkdfe, lelllell, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ...) The set of all abstract ideas (e.g. existentialism, freedom, the set of all abstract ideas, ...)

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Give at least 5 examples of synecdoche?

All hands on deck is an example of synecdoche. Give us this day our daily bread is a famous synecdoche that is always used. Lend me your ears and gray beard are other examples. And also the phrase new set of wheels is a good example of synecdoche.

What are some examples of set in math?


What is an EPD?

EPD stands for Expected Progeny Difference. This is a set of variable that give you an idea how well the offspring of this animal will preform for you.

What are the examples of dis joint set?

A_{x\x are set of days in a week}

What are not well defined elements of a set?

Elements that have to be defined by personal judgement. Such as the set ofgreat songs is not well-defined. But the set of the English alphabet is well-defined.