

What is wet cough?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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11y ago

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usually a regular cough when tries to get the mucus out and it doesn't succeed so your just sick. A wet cough is when the mucus is everywhere and it seems to make you sicker

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Q: What is wet cough?
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What are 2 effective nonprescription cough syrups?

It depends on what type of cough you are experiencing. I will give (in my opinion) the best treatment for each of the two main types of cough.1) If you have a productive cough (a.k.a. a wet cough where you are coughing up lots of gunk) you don't want to suppress the cough, there is fluid in there that needs to be coughed out. Instead, you want to break up the mucous that is building up in your bronchi.For this type of cough, try something with guaifenesin.This drug breaks up mucous and makes it easier to cough out. REMEMBER - with any guaifenesin product (like mucinex) be SURE to drink at least one full glass of water with it! The drug is no good unless you take in a lot of fluid. I'm not talking a small cup. Drink a big glass or two of water, and you will notice that your mucous is breaking up and your chest clears much more easily. No water, no effect.2) The second type of cough is a non-productivecough. This is also known as a "tickle" or a "dry" cough. There is no mucous being coughed up, just a cough for no reason.For a non-productive cough, try taking something with dextromethorphan as the active ingredient (these products usually say DM somewhere on them). Dextromethorphan works on your brain to make you lose the urge to cough. I recommend this one highly, I use it and it works well. It's effects are kind of subtle at first, but in four hours when it wears off, you will notice that there was a big difference for the last few hours.Bottom line: Dry cough, take DM. Wet cough, take guaifenesin. There are some products that are a combination of both products (lots of cough syrups and things like Mucinex DM). It is up to you which one to take depending on symptoms. Be sure to read the ingredients though- these two are the ones I recommend you stick with.

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Bronchitis often has a colored flam while allergies are clear.