

What is white light made up of?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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White light is a composition of colours. Usually remembered as VIBGYOR.

Violet, Inidgo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.

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They are made up of pigments

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Q: What is white light made up of?
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What is white made of?

Well... white light is made up of all colors.

When Light that appears white or nearly white to humans is made up of?

is made up of all colors of light .

What coloured light make up white light?

white light is made from red, orange, green, blue, yellow, indigo and violet.

What is white made up of?

White, the color like paint, is solely made up of simply white. If you mean light, then white is made up of multiple colors. These are the colors that make up white: Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Blue / Indigo / Violet.

Is light white?

Light appears white, however it is made up of different colours, which when put together make white light. These colours can be seen if you direct light through a prism. At the right angle the light is split up into the colours (rainbow).

What is a rainbow made out of?

A rainbow is made up of sunlight being refracted, reflected, and dispersed by water droplets in the Earth's atmosphere, creating a spectrum of colors. Each color is made up of a different wavelength of light, which is why we see a band of colors in a rainbow.

How is white light made-up of different colors?

By Dispersion Of light (We call the phenomenon of spiliting of white light into 7 colours as dispersion of light.).......... You Can use Prism.....

Is white light made up of all the colors you can see?

Yes, white light is made up of all the colors in the visible spectrum. These colors can be separated using a prism to form a rainbow.

What did newton prove with the prism?

That white light is made up of all the colours of light mixed together.

What colors of light made up white light?

Red, green and blue. These colours make up every other colour, though, so you could say that light is made up of all colours.

White light is made of?

Though you can say light is made up of photons, the photons themselves are not matter, they are energy. Therefore light is actually energy. But you can still say light is made of photons.

How white lights is made up of different colors?

By Dispersion Of light (We call the phenomenon of spiliting of white light into 7 colours as dispersion of light.).......... You Can use Prism.....