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Spongebob's doormat either says, "Welcome" or "Ahoy!"

Can't remember!

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Q: What is written on sponebobs doormat?
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When was Binky the Doormat created?

Binky the Doormat was created in 1996.

What does have more friction doormat or carpet?

Generally, a doormat has more friction than a carpet. Doormats are designed with textured surfaces and materials that provide better traction and grip to prevent slipping. Carpets, on the other hand, have a smoother texture and may have less friction in comparison.

Can you kill a camel with a doormat?

A standard doormat = yes you most probably could whack a camel round the head with a doormat and it would most probably die

What do you do in the cashier job for sponebobs big adventure?

i also lose everyone time just use maths in dollars

What are the ratings and certificates for Doormat - 2008?

Doormat - 2008 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:G

What is the perimeter of a doormat?

There is no objective perimeter measurement for a doormat. While some may be similar in size, many will be different.

What does to be a complete doormat mean?

to be someone who lets other people treat them badly and never complains

What actors and actresses appeared in Dustcap Doormat - 1958?

The cast of Dustcap Doormat - 1958 includes: Allen Swift as Neighbor

What actors and actresses appeared in Doormat - 2010?

The cast of Doormat - 2010 includes: Libby Brockman as Bernadette Sarah Mihalopolous as Phillipa

What is doormat in volcanoes?

A doormat in volcanology is a term used to describe a layer of rock or sediment that acts as a barrier or protective covering over the underlying surface of a volcano. This layer can help to regulate the transfer of heat or gases, and can also play a role in shaping the behavior of volcanic eruptions.

What has the author Kelly McWilliams written?

Kelly McWilliams has written: 'Doormat' -- subject(s): Best friends, Diaries, Fiction, Friendship, Juvenile fiction, Pregnancy, Teenage pregnancy, Theater