

What is year 2010 AD means?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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AD means "Anno Domini", which is a Latin phrase that translates to "In the year of our Lord". This is a Christian designation meaning 2,010 years since the birth of Jesus Christ, the Lord God in Christianity.

The entire world has adopted the Christian Era calendar for convenience's sake. This is similar to most of the English-speaking world having the days of the week be named after Roman gods like Woden (Wednesday), Janus (January), etc.

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AD stands for Anno Domini means "in the year of (our) Lord".

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AD means anno domini (meaning in the year of our lord)

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The calendar that we are using is based upon the birth of Jesus Christ, although it is also recognized that it is actually off by a few years. But it's close. The year 2010 AD means 2010 Anno Domini which in Latin means the Year of Our Lord. Some people who don't want to accept Jesus as their lord instead use the term C.E. for Common Era, instead of AD.

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"AD" (anno Domini) is used as either a prefix or suffix that is placed either immediately before or after any year from the year 1 onward (ex. January 1, 2010 AD or January 1, AD 2010)."BC" (before Christ) is used as only a suffix that is placed after any year before the year 1 (ex. January 1, 2010 BC).

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AD means that Anno Domini , the year of lord and BD means that Before Christ

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It is said that Jesus was born 4 years before AD. This means for year 2010, there are 2014 from Jesus birth.