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Yes, that is normal and healthy!

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Diego Kafie

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16 beats per 15secs

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more than normal, feel palpitation.

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Q: What is your heart rate when you sleep?
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How does slow tempo music effect a persons heart rate?

Slow tempo will decrease your heart rate because it might put you to sleep and that would rest your heart rate.

What is the best time to take resting heart rate?

The best time to find your resting heart rate is in the morning after a good night's sleep and before you get out of bed.

What is the best fitness watch that has a heart rate monitor and a sleep calculator?

The Basis Peak is the best fitness watch that has a heart rate monitor and a sleep calculator For a full review and comparison check out,2817,2404445,00.asp

What is the effect on the heart when you dont get enough sleep?

Increased epinephrine (adrenalline) levels occur, when there is not enough sleep, increasing the resting heart rate and making the heart work harder. For those prone to heart disease, it is very important to get enough sleep (about 8 hrs per night).

Is your heart rate lowest at night?

May be or may not be. If you are calm with yourself, your heart rate will come down. It may go up, sometimes to very high level. It is common to get heart attacks during the sleep. You may get nightmares, which may lead to heart attack.

When is minimal resting heart rate?

I believe that, unless drug induced, it would be within the deepest point of sleep.

What is your pulse rate per minute when sleeping?

Typically in deep sleep your heart rate drops 10-20bpm from your usual resting rate (ie when you wake up), which is normally 60-80bpm. However during REM sleep your heart rate is more variable and may actually be as high as if you are undertaking vigorous exercise. Personally I have found my heart rate during sleep varies from around 30-160bpm (using a heart rate monitor which give min/max values). Hope this helps...

What is included in a polysomnography study?

The polysomnography study includes measurements of heart rate, airflow at the mouth and nose, respiratory effort, sleep stage (light sleep, deep sleep, dream sleep, etc.), and oxygen level in the blood.

What is the name for the clinical study of sleep?

The clinical study of sleep is called polysomnography. It involves monitoring various physiological parameters such as brain waves, heart rate, and breathing patterns during sleep to diagnose sleep disorders.

When you sleep do you get colder?

Yes, your body temperature naturally drops slightly while you sleep due to changes in your circadian rhythm. This drop in temperature helps promote restful sleep as part of the body's natural sleep-wake cycle. It's also why many people find it comfortable to sleep in a cooler room.

What happens to your heart when you sleep?

Your heart beats slowly when you sleep.

Does your heart help you sleep?

no your heart don't make you sleep