

What is zzzzzzzz?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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How do you make action replay codes for super Mario 64 ds?

Here is a tutorial on how to make Super Mario 64 DS Action Replay Codes. You can view "Web Link" for the full source and support: Well first off, code making can be very easy, but sometimes it can get hard and frustrating. I'm going to tell you the 4 ways used in making codes. I will start off with the easiest, possibly laziest, and most common way. 1. The Debug Menu: The Debug menu can be found on many games including this, New Super Mario Bros., Paper Mario, Zelda Ocarina of Time, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. The Debug menu is a screen that if the game has frozen, will tell the programmers what happened in the game. Well code makers have used that to there advantage because the coding written code can be made into a code. First you need to freeze the game using a glitch, I usually just take a code that spawns you in a different level such as: 020988A4 00000006 D2000000 00000000 When you spawn in the map, and pause the game, and Exit Course, the game SHOULD freeze. When the game has successfully frozen the game, you will need to press the following buttons in the exact sequence: Hold L+R+Left+A at once. Then let go. Now hold Down and B. Finally, press Start and select at once to go to the Debug Menu. Then a white or blue screen should pop up and a line of coding should be written on the right side of the screen. Write down every line straight down on a paper. Then when typing into the Action Replay, After ever line, add a string of zeros: 00000000 Example: Say the Debug menu said: 52456987 78585441 12376556 12346678 then you would type it in as: 52456987 00000000 78585441 00000000 12376556 00000000 12346678 00000000 Then you would activate the code and start the game, and fiddle with it and see if if does anything and if it does do something, see if anything can become of it. 2. Replacement Codes (This is the way i usually make my codes.) Well what i do is take a code designed to replace a certain thing with whatever you want. Such as this one: 1210443A 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 The code means replace trees with XXX now what you need to do is find what you want to replace the trees with by using Nintendudects values: 0 Freezes 1 Freezes 2 Freezes 3 Freezes 4 Freezes 5 Freezes 6 Freezes 7 Freezes 8 Freezes 9 Freezes A Blue Coin Switch B ! Switch C Star Switch D Treasure Chest E Bob-omb Hatch F Block 10 Large Block 11 Black Block 12 Ice Block 13 Freezes 14 ? Block 15 ! Block 16 ! Block 17 M Block 18 W Block 19 L Block 1A ? Switch 1B Stake 1C Seesaw in Bob-omb Battlefield 1D Updown Platform in Bob-omb Battlefield 1E Updown Platform under the castle 1F Moving Platform in Versus Main 20 Grate Platform 21 Metal Platform in Hazy Maze Cave 22 Invisble Object 23 Water in the Castle Basement 24 Invisible Object in the Castle 25 Invisible Object in the Castle 26 Invisible Object in the Castle 27 Seesaw in Bob-omb Battlefield 28 Gate Piece in Bob-omb Battlefield 29 Chain Chomp Gate 2A Yellow Ball in Whomp's Fortress 2B Bullet Bill Box 2C Upright Plank or Wood in Whomp's Fortress 2D Concrete Block in Whomp's Fortress 2E Small Stone Wall Piece 2F Brick Wall Chip 30 Brick Wall Chip 31 Tower 32 Rotating Grass Platform 33 Rotating Plank of Wood 34 Stone Elevator in Whomp's Fortress 35 Sliding Boulder in Whomp's Fortress 36 Small Sliding Boulder in Whomp's Fortress 37 Sliding Stone Platform 38 Freezes 39 Ship in Jolly Roger Bay 3A Falling Rock Pillar 3B Pointed Rock in Jolly Roger Bay 3C Floating Wood Plank 3D Large Boulder 3E Lowering Water in Jolly Roger Bay Ship 3F Carrier Snowlift 40 Casket 41 Large Mansion Steps 42 Small Concrete Block in Big Boo's Haunt 43 Tall Grate Wall in Hazy Maze Cave 44 Control Pad Platform in Hazy Maze Cave 45 Floating Lava Grate 46 Giant Log 47 Rotating Volcano Platform 48 Tilting Lava Platform 49 Lifting/Lowering Bridge 4A Stone Walkway 4B Quadruple Sinking Platform 4C Long Sinking Platform 4D Long Sinking Platform 4E Bowser Square Piece 4F Invisible Object in Lethal Lava Land 50 Large Rotating Platform in Lethal Lava Land 51 Rotating Flamethrower boulder 52 Wooden Floating Lava Platform 53 invisible Object in Lethal Lava Land 54 Smashing Wall 55 Pyramid Peak 56 Invisible Object in Shifting Sand Land 57 Freezes 58 Caged Platform in Pyramid 59 Sliding Pole in Dire Dire Docks 5A Invisible Object in Dire Dire Docks 5B Invisible Object in Dire Dire Docks 5C Sliding Snow HIlls 5D Sliding Snow HIlls 5E Fast Rotating Stone Platform 5F Floating Square Platform 60 Left/Right Cube Platform 61 Water level Changing Diamond 62 Invisible Object in Wet-Dry World 63 Floating Connected Platform 64 Long Floating Platform 65 Invisible Object in Wet-Dry World 66 Giant Log 67 Caged Star 68 Stone Square in Tiny huge Island-Tiny 69 Invisible Object in Tiny huge Island-Tiny 6A Large Stone Square in Tiny huge Island-Huge 6B Invisible object in Tiny Huge Island-Huge 6C Flipping Cube in Tick Tock Clock 6D Flipping Triangle in Tick Tock Clock 6E Pendulum 6F Treadmill 70 Short Treadmill 71 Spring Push Rectangle 72 Rotating Platform in Tick Tock Clock 73 Rotating Triangle 74 Up/Down Cube in Tick Tock Clock 75 Up/Down Cube in Tick Tock Clock 76 Up/Down Rectangle 77 Clock Hand in Tick Tock Clock 78 Slowly Spinning Platform 79 Flat Gear 7A Flat Gear 7B Rack With Triangles 7C Pink Left/Right Platform 7D Flying Ship Wing 7E Platform That Falls When Stood on 7F Giant Swing in Rainbow Cruise 80 Giant Pink Seesaw 81 Blue Rotating Platform 82 Flying Carpet 83 Yellow Elevator in Rainbow Cruise 84 Rotating Platform with Platforms on the Sides 85 Giant Blue Seesaw 86 Checkered Slope in Bowser Map 1 87 Pointed Sliding Platform in Bowser Map 1 88 Blue Platform in Bowser Map 1 89 Ferris Wheel in Bowser Map 1 8A Push/Pull Platform in Bowser Map 1 8B Rectangles That Fall When Stood on in Bowser Map 2 8C Stone Elevator in Bowser Map 2 8D Tilting Platform in Bowser Map 2 8E Grate Platform With Pole in Bowser Map 2 8F Sideways Stone Seesaw in Bowser Map 2 90 Freezes 91 Sinking Platform in Bowser Map 2 92 Sliding Platform in Bowser Map 2 93 Floating Platform in Bowser Map 2 94 Floating Obstacle in Bowser Map 2 95 Giant Yellow Seesaw in Bowser Map 2 96 Zig Zag Seesaw in Bowser Map 2 97 Checkered Platform in Bowser Map 3 98 Ferris Wheel in Bowser Map 3 99 Checkered Slope in Bowser Map 3 9A Push/Pull Platform in Bowser Map 3 9B Small Push/Pull Platform in Bowser Map 3 9C Large Rotating Platform in Bowser Map 3 9D Freezes 9E Three Book Buttons 9F Rotating Platform in Big Boo's Haunt A0 Flip Platform in Big Boo's Haunt A1 Thwomp A2 Grindel A3 Spindel A4 Whomp A5 Whomp King A6 Red Object in Bowser Battle 3 A7 Large Triangle Object in Bowser Battle 3 A8 Dorrie A9 Invisible Object in Hazy Maze Cave AA Invisible Object in Cheif Chilly Challenge AB Invisible Object in Cheif Chilly Challenge AC Invisible Object in Cheif Chilly Challenge AD Seesaw in Cheif Chilly Map AE Up/Down Log in Goomboss Map AF Moving Platform in Goomboss Map B0 Eyerok B1 Invisible Object B2 Star B3 Silver Star B4 Vertical Red Coin Star B5 Bob-omb Buddy B6 Minigame Dresser(invisible) B7 Wall Sign B8 Sign B9 Toad BA Peach BB MIP the Bunny BC Koopa the Quick BD Big Bob-omb BE Chuckya BF Player C0 Steel Box C1 Spring Box Enemy C2 Small Wooden Box C3 Invisible Object in King Boo Battle C4 Invisble Object C5 Waterfall Mist C6 Goomboss C7 Goomboss C8 Goomba C9 Micro Goomba CA Grand Goomba CB Koopa CC Tiny koopa CD Koopa Flagpole CE Bob-omb CF Cannon D0 Water Bomb D1 Boo D2 Big Boo D3 Star Icons on Bottom Screen D4 Big Boo's Haunt Entrance D5 Thick Book D6 Bouncing Lava Bubbles D7 Bully D8 Big Bully D9 Chill Bully DA Freezes DB Chain Chomp DC Giant Cannon Ball DD Giant Rolling Boulder DE Bullet Bill DF Mr. Blizzard E0 Snowball E1 Sushi the Shark E2 Manta E3 Cheep Cheep E4 Bubba E5 Star Key E6 Skeeter E7 Fwoosh the Cloud E8 Fly guy E9 Snufit Bullet EA Hoot the Owl(invisible) EB Lakitu Bro. EC Snufit ED Swooper EE Heave Ho EF Klepto F0 Pokey F1 Freezes F2 Unagi the Eel F3 Volcano F4 Manta Rings F5 Wind F6 Freezes F7 Freezes F8 Wiggler F9 Mad Piano FA Piranha Plant FB Giant Piranha Plant(appears when approached) FC Tiny Piranha Plant(appears when approached) FD Piranha Plant(appears when approached) FE Fireball FF Scuttle Bug 100 Tuxie 101 Penguin 102 Bridge Penguin 103 Slide Penguin 104 Spiny 105 Money Bags 106 Mr. I 107 Big Mr. I 108 Plasma Ball 109 Lakitu 10A Amp 10B Ukiki 10C Ukiki 10D Cap 10E Fire Spitting Ball 10F Fireballs 110 Giant Snowman 111 Snowman's Head 112 Snowman's Body 113 Monster Snowman head 114 1-Up 115 Super mushroom 116 Invisible Object in Bowser Map 3 117 Bowser 118 Invisible Object in Bowser Map 3 119 Invisible Object in Bowser Map 3 11A Big Key 11B Last Star 11C Spikeball in Bowser Map 3 11D Koopa Shell 11E Tree 11F Invisible Pole 120 Coin 121 Red Coin 122 Blue Coin 123 Bubble 124 Clock Hand Upstairs 125 Clock Hand Upstairs 126 Pendulum Upstairs 127 Ice Square 128 Seaweed 129 Heart 12A Warp Pipe 12B Big Sign Pointing Left 12C Big Sign Pointing Right 12D Invisible Object in Bowser Map 1 12E Giant Silver Star in Tall Tall Mountain Slide 12F Giant Yellow Star in Tall Tall Mountain Slide 130 Giant Yellow Smiley in Tall Tall Mountain Slide 131 Giant Blue Smiley in Tall Tall Mountain Slide 132 Power Flower 133 Painting 134 Tweester 135 Tox Box 136 Monty Mole 137 Monty's Rock 138 Spin Drift 139 Freezes 13A Cloud in Castle in the Clouds 13B Clam 13C Flame 13D Blue Flame 13E Blue Flamethrower 13F Invisible Object 140 Invisible Object 141 Invisible Object 142 Invisible Object 143 Invisible Object 144 Silver Star Icons on Bottom Screen 145 Invisible Object 146 Chair 147 Bookend 148 Shooting Bookend 149 Invisble "Secrets" 14A Numbers 14B 1-Up Logo 14C Invisible Camera 14D Invisible Object 14E Invisible Object 14F Invisible Object 150 Butterfly 151 Chain Chomp Without a Stake 152 Invisible Object 153 Invisible Object 154 Small Staircase 155 Pole Fence 156 Flag 157 Birds 158 Fish 159 Feather 15A Freezes 15B Warp Point 15C Invisible Object 15D Portal 15E Invisible Object 15F Invisible Object 160 Invisible Object 161 Door 162 Star Door 163 Freezes 164 Snow Slide Piece 165 Invisible Object 166 Invisible Object 167 Invisible Object DON'T TRY TO GO OVER 168, IT WILL RUIN YOUR GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!: So once you pick what you want to replace it with (It MUST already be in the map), then replace the XXX with that value. I decided to use a tower (031) because it can be used in ALL levels for an unknown reason. You should have this: 1210443A 00000031 D2000000 00000000 now to pick what level to spawn in: Use this code: 020988A4 000000XX D2000000 00000000 Now heres the list of Map Values: 00- Test Map 2 01- Starting Area 02- Castle Foyer 03- Courtyard after getting a star 04- Basement? 05- Upstairs area? 06- Bob-omb Battlefield 07- Whomp's Fortress 08- Jolly Roger Bay 09- Jolly Roger Bay Sunken Ship? 10- Shifting Sand Land? 11- Shifting Sand Land Pyramid? 12- Dire Dire Docks? 13- Snowman's Land? 14- Snowman's Land Igloo? 15- Wet-Dry World? 16- Tall Tall Mountain? 17- Tall Tall Mountain Slide 18- Tiny Huge Island Tiny Island? 19- Tiny Huge Island Big Island 20- Secret Under the Moat? 21- Behind the Waterfall 22- Over the Rainbows? 23- Bowser in the Dark World 24- Bowser in the Dark World Battle Arena? 25- Bowser in the Fire Sea? 26- Bowser in the Fire Sea Battle Arena? 27- Bowser in the Sky? 28- Bowser in the Sky Battle Arena 29- Test Map 1 30- Chief Chilly Challenge 31- Chief Chilly Challenge Battle Arena? 32- Rec Room? 33- Outside the Castle Battle Mode Map? 0a- Cool Cool Mountain? 0b- Cool Cool Mountain Ice Slide? 0c- Big Boo's Haunt 0d- Hazy Maze Cave ?0e- Lethal Lava Land? 0f- Lethal Lava Land Volcano? 1a- Tiny Huge Island Wiggler's Cave? 1b- Tick Tock Clock? 1c- Rainbow Ride? 1d- The Princess's Secret Slide? 1e- The Secret Aquarium? 1f- Tower of the Wing Cap ?2a- The Secret of Battle Fort ?2b- Sunshine Isles ?2c- Goomboss Battle? 2d- Goomboss Battle Battle Arena ?2e- Big Boo Battle ?2f- Big Boo Battle Battle Arena So i will choose Bobomb Battlefield (06) because it is a classic map. 020988A4 000000XX D2000000 00000000 Now you add those too together and you have: 1210443A 00000031 D2000000 00000000 020988A4 00000006 D2000000 00000000 And now you have a code that makes you spawn in Bobomb Battlefield and all the trees are big towers. You can add more with more replacement codes but instead, ill leave you will a list of all the Replace codes: NINTENDUDECT's Codes: Replace Coins: 12104432 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Stars: 1210444e 00000031 d2000000 00000000 Replace the flipping platforms of Bob-Omb Battlefield: 121043F6 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Goombas: 12104406 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace 1-Ups: 1210444A 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Bob-ombs: 1210440E 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Big Bob-omb: 12104458 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Trees: 1210443A 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Signs: 12104480 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Hearts: 121044D8 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Chain Chomps: 121043FC 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Cannons: 1210444B 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Stakes: 1210293C 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Black Boulders: 12104402 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Waterbombs: 12104450 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace ! Switches: 1210443E 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Chain Chomp Gates: 1210444E 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Bob-omb Buddies: 12104410 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Mr. Blizzards: 1210445A 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Paintings: 1210443C 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Red Coins: 12104434 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Boos: 1210446E 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Big Boos: 12104470 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Koopas: 12104412 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Zamurick: Replace Silver Stars: 12104464 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Whomps: 12104468 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Piranha Plants: 1210445E 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace ? Boxes: 12104424 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Fish: 12104454 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Butterflies: 12104456 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace Birds: 12104452 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 TADA!!! 3. Editing previously made codes Not too many people do this but sometimes you can make fun codes. Heres an Example: The Drunk Mario code: 02051777 00000000 some people edit to digits in this code and it can make dramatic changes. Heres what digits to change: 02051777 000XX000 If you change those digits with a number and or number to make a new code. Try it, you may have some fun results. 4. Randomness Some people just use 0204 and 0205 codes. They know that codes that start with 0204 or 0205 can have very cool/random effects: take 0204 or 0205 and put some digits in front of it and MAYBE you might get something cool such as 0204xxxx 00000000 0205xxxx 00000000 and replace the X's 02045674 00000000 or 02055648 00000000 I don't know if these work but if they do...have fun. I have shown you the 4 ways but there is more Heres another short guide: How to change the size of your character: Size and Speed mod defaults: Size Default X=WIDTH Y= HEIGHT Z=DEPTH 62094a90 00000000 b2094a90 00000000 10000080 XXXXXXXX 10000084 YYYYYYYY 10000088 ZZZZZZZZ d2000000 00000000 How to change your speed: Speed Default 4216e370 0001df00 92096b5c f7ff0800 0216e370 XXXXXXXX d2000000 00000000 4217f750 0001d000 92096b5c f7ff0800 0217f750 XXXXXXXX d2000000 00000000 And that's about all you need to know.... Buhbye...