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Q: What it was the purpose of Miller and Urey's experiment?
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the factor an experiment that is changed on purpose

Why Urey-Miller experiment so important?

The Urey-Miller experiment showed that organic compounds could arise from inorganic compounds. ~VietPride

What is purpose of doing an experiment?

the purpose of doing an experiment is to discover new things

Which gases were contained in Miller and Ureys flask?

Methane, Ammonia, water, hydrogen, i think there was something else but i can't remember it then they gave it an electric shock to signify lightening and they did get amino acids

What states the purpose of a experiment?


What would a scientist do before designing a experiment?

Be clear about the purpose of the experiment.

What is the purpose in a science project?

A purpose is why u are doing an experiment

Urey and miller used an electric current in their experiment to simulate?


What could replace lightning in the miller-urey experiment?

During their experiment, they used electrical sparks to stimulate the variable of the lightning.

Is purpose and hypothesis?

The purpose is why you are doing the experiment. What do you want to fond out?? The hypothesis is your prediction on the outcome of the experiment. It is usually written in an If...Then...Because form