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Q: What items did people of Benin trade with Europeans?
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What is a salt cellar?

An Ivory Salt Cellar is what the People of Benin in Ancient Africa used to store their salt. When the Portuguese traders first travelled to western Africa on an exploratory expidition in the late 15th century, they began to trade with the people of benin. When they traded commodities for salt, the Benin people gave them Ivory salt cellars as souvenirs with carvings of Europeans on the top of them.

What is a ivory salt cellar?

An Ivory Salt Cellar is what the People of Benin in Ancient Africa used to store their salt. When the Portuguese traders first travelled to western Africa on an exploratory expidition in the late 15th century, they began to trade with the people of benin. When they traded commodities for salt, the Benin people gave them Ivory salt cellars as souvenirs with carvings of Europeans on the top of them.

Why did the europeans control such a small portion of African in the 1800s?

Trade networks kept Europeans from controlling the sources of trade items such as gold and ivory.

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The Beothuk people traded items such as furs, pelts, and other animal products with Europeans in exchange for goods like metal tools, weapons, cloth, and other manufactured items. This trade exchange helped both groups acquire resources that were valuable to their respective societies.

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Why did the people of Benin trade slaves for guns?

The people of Benin wanted guns because they only had those homemade weapons and they wanted something destructive and powerful.

How did the people of Benin trade?

In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Kingdom of Benin became wealthy trading slaves to the European colonial powers.

What items did the europeans take with them to the new world?

Items of religious value, tools of their trade, and occasionally family heirlooms would be examples of items brought to the new world.

Who were the main people involved in the slave trade?

Europeans and Africans

What was the impact of the slave trade of benin?

The slave trade had a devastating impact on the Kingdom of Benin, leading to depopulation, disruption of social structures, and economic decline. Many people were captured and sold into slavery, causing population loss and social instability in the region. Additionally, the slave trade contributed to the weakening and eventual collapse of the Benin Kingdom in the late 19th century.

Why was the fur trade a big demand for the europeans?

the fur trade was a great demand from the Europeans and French people, because the furs are used for fashion .(HATS,,,ETC)

Was Benin an important west African center of trade?

Yes, Benin was an important trading centre