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Q: What bracelet does Cameron Diaz wear in Knight and Day?
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When she was a child.

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If an anklet is for your ankle why is it a bracelet for your wrist?

A bracelet was a small piece of jewelry or armor given by a Knight to his Lady as a remembrance while he was away on a campaign. The bracelet would match something on his brace of armor worn on his arm so the Knight also had a reminder of his love. So I doubt a Lady would wear more than one bracelet.

Can a man wear an ankle bracelet?

Yes, a man can wear an ankle bracelet if he chooses to. Ankle bracelets can be a fashion accessory or can have cultural or spiritual significance. There are no restrictions on who can wear them based on gender.

What brand of bracelet does bill rancic wear?

Power balance bracelet

Is there a certain kind of bracelet that gay people wear?

No, there is no such bracelet that is specifically gay.

What kind of bracelet does golfer hunter mahan wear?

Power Balance bracelet

Is it safe to let a toddler wear a bracelet?

It is not recommended to let a toddler wear any sort of metal bracelet, unless it is for medical purposes. Try a softer woven bracelet.

What hand to wear jade bracelet?

Jade bracelet should be worn on the left hand :)

Why do some people wear a chakra bracelet?

Some people wear a Chakra bracelet because it is believed to have aesthetic purposes. In Indian and Eastern cultures this bracelet is used to promote healing and vitality.

You wear this on your wrist?

Bracelet, watch, bangle

What does goddesses Pandora wear?

a pandora bracelet :)