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Q: What jobs are involve in measurement of volume?
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Related questions

What is a qualitative measurement?

Any measurement that doesn't involve numbers.

What does volume mean in measurement?

Volume is the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object or substance. It is typically measured in cubic units, such as cubic meters or cubic centimeters. Volume is calculated by multiplying length, width, and height for solid objects, or by calculating the displacement of a liquid for fluids.

What are non basic jobs?

they are jobs that involve you in it

What measurement is 1000 L?

the measurement is volume

What is the difference between volume and dimension?

Volume refers to the amount of space occupied by an object, measured in cubic units. Dimension, on the other hand, refers to the measurement of an object in terms of length, width, and height. In essence, volume is a three-dimensional concept that includes all dimensions.

What are some jobs that involve numbers?

Jobs that involve numbers include pharmacists, construction workers, and math teachers. Scientists, and people who reconstruct accidents also have jobs that involve the use of numbers.

Why is volume an unreliable measurement?

There is no reason for volume to be any less reliable than any other measurement.

What is the volume of a cube that has a measurement of 3.5 on each edge?

The volume of a cube with a measurement of 3.5 on a side is 42.875.

How do you convert length to volume?

Length and volume are not equivalent measurements. Length is a two dimensional measurement while volume is a three dimensional measurement.

What jobs involve animals and math?

Jobs that involve animals & math:- Marine BiologistJobs that involve science & math:- Engineer- Geologist- Forensic Scientist-The careers are endless!

What would be the units of measurement for volume and mass?

In the metric system, the units of measurement of Volume is the Liter (sometimes spelled Litre) and the measurement for mass would be the gram. In the American system, the units of measurement for Volume is the ounce, and for mass would be the pound.

Is volume when you muliply?

Volume is a measurement of how much space something takes. When you grab a jug of milk, it would normally be measured in litres or quarts. That is a measurement of volume. If you want to know how much space a basketball displaces, that is volume. Calculating volume often (if not always) does involve multiplication. For example, the volume of a rectangular box is it's length multiplied by it's width multiplied by it's height. Multiplication however is a very basic component of our mathematics, and is used in almost everything. The answer to your original question then, is no.