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Pretty much all jobs give you money. But the jobs that give you LOTS of money. Are to be a doctor, dentist, soldier, or a marine. Good luck on your job!

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Q: What can you eat that can also make money?
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What can make money but can also eat it?

An Atm Machine.

Why mother working?

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The original custom is to give the kids pocket money on each night of Chanukah. There is also a custom to eat dairy foods on Chanukah. Someone, somewhere obviously decided to capitalize on both customs and make a killing out of selling chocolate money.

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I heard they do a lot of money but they also eat a crapload of fried chicken.

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Libraries make money because some of the tax you pay goes to them. They also get money from donations.

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the Mayans used chocolate as money and food to eat.

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If you can paint, you could perhaps sell you paints for money. Also if you knit or make some kind of craft, you could also sell that for money as well.

Do stockbrokers make money when they sell you stock or when they sell your stock?

Stockbrokers make money when they sell you shares and also make when they sell your shares.

How do you make money renting a dedicated server?

You can make money by renting a dedicated server by renting to more than one person. You can also make money by selling to advertisers.

Did the settlers of New Jersey do anything else to make money or make a living?

they made money and also so a living