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Q: What joins two notes of the same pitch to make one long note?
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How do you make the pitch higher?

To make the pitch higher, That's not even possible except the highest notes are B and A without the back hole.

Is pitch range and playing range the same thing?

pitch range it the range for your voice. playing range is the range of notes an instrument can make

How do you make scary music on the electronic keyboard with notes?

You can use the lowest pitch keys in your left. The chords can be anything you want but they must be in the low pitch keys (left).

What lowers the pitch a half step?

A flat (♭) lowers the pitch of a note by a semitone (half-step). A sharp (#) raises the pitch of a note by a semitone. Naturals cancel out sharps or flats that apply to notes and make them their usual pitch (♮).

What lower the pitch by a half step?

A flat (♭) lowers the pitch of a note by a semitone (half-step). A sharp (#) raises the pitch of a note by a semitone. Naturals cancel out sharps or flats that apply to notes and make them their usual pitch (♮).

What part of a harp is the highest pitch?

You know how on a piano, middle C sounds like it's in between the low and high notes? Well, that's because it is. The notes below middle C have low pitched sounds just as the higher notes above middle C, become higher pitched. Same goes for the harp. The high notes come from the strings above middle C. They're shorter and thinner so they sound higher and don't resonate as long.

Why does a long bar make a low pitch?

Because the smaller the size the higher the pitch and the bigger the bar the lower the pitch.

What percussion instruments make noises not notes?

none of them, believe it or not every sound you hear is a note, notes are based off the dynamics (how loud or long) of a sound.

What two notes make a quarter note?

Two eighth notes which are half a beat long each. Go to the related webpage for further information.

What does pollen join with to make seeds?

pollen joins an ovule to make seeds

Why do they make Australian bank notes out of polymer?

To reduce the chance of counterfeit notes and also to make the notes last longer.

What is meant by the term vibrato?

What is meant by vibrato is a tremor, usually in long notes, to make the note more identifiable and to make it sound better...