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you use your elbow

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1mo ago

You primarily use your elbow joint to lift the barbell, as it is responsible for flexing and extending your arm. Your shoulder joint also plays a supporting role by stabilizing and assisting in the movement.

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Q: What joint do you use to lift the barbell?
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How does the force of the lifter compare with the weight of the barbell at different stage of the lifter?

At the beginning of the lift, the lifter's force is greater than the weight of the barbell to overcome inertia and initiate movement. During the middle of the lift, the lifter's force is equal to the weight of the barbell to maintain constant velocity. Towards the end of the lift, the lifter's force is less than the weight of the barbell due to deceleration and control.

What if a weightlifter raises a 200-kg barbell with an acceleration of 3 ms squared. How much force does the weightlifter use to raise the barbell?

The force required to lift the barbell can be calculated using Newton's second law, which states that Force = mass x acceleration. The force exerted by the weightlifter would be 200 kg x 3 m/s^2 = 600 N.

How many times more work is required to lift the barbell three times as high?

well you know i have the same home work con physics haha and it's chapter 8 right second question haha. i think; if you want to lift a barbell three times as high you have to give three times the work (W)

What is the potential energy of the barbell when it is lifted?

The potential energy of the barbell when it is lifted is equal to the work done to lift it against gravity. It is given by the formula: potential energy = mass * gravitational acceleration * height. The potential energy stored in the barbell can be converted back into kinetic energy when the barbell is lowered.

If a barbell weight 160 N What other information do you need to calculate how much work it takes to lift it?

To calculate how much work it takes to lift the barbell, you will need to know the height you are lifting it to (distance over which the force is applied) and the angle at which you are lifting the barbell (if not directly against gravity). These factors will allow you to calculate the work done against gravity using the formula: Work = Force x Distance x cos(angle).

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How do you use mightily in a sentence?

He strained mightily to lift the huge barbell.

Which joint comes into use when you lift your head?

When you lift your head, the atlanto-occipital joint is primarily responsible for the movement. This joint is located between the base of the skull (occipital bone) and the first cervical vertebra (atlas), allowing for flexion and extension of the head.

Work is required to lift a barbell How many time more work is required to lift the barbell three times as high?

3 more times

How does the force of the lifter compare with the weight of the barbell at different stage of the lifter?

At the beginning of the lift, the lifter's force is greater than the weight of the barbell to overcome inertia and initiate movement. During the middle of the lift, the lifter's force is equal to the weight of the barbell to maintain constant velocity. Towards the end of the lift, the lifter's force is less than the weight of the barbell due to deceleration and control.

What are metal bars used to lift weights called?


Is the weightlifter doing any work when she holds the barbell motionless above her head?

This weightlifter did work on the barbell to lift it over her head.

What is another word for a metal bar used to lift weights?


What joint to you use to lift weight?

depending on what kind of work out you are doing you use just about all of them

What is the name of the lift from the floor directly to shoulder height?

When you lift a barbell from the floor directly to shoulder height it's call a "clean."

How much power is used to lift a barbell weighing 1250 in 2m 3s?


What sport do you use a barbell for?

A barbell is used in the sport of professional weightlifting.

What type of jewelry can you use for hood piercings?

Well for horizontal hood piercings you can use a captive bead ring or circular barbell. For vertical hood the choices are straight barbell, bent barbell, circular barbell or captive bead ring.