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The name of the joint that is between C1 & C2 is the atlantoaxial joint. C1 is the atlas and C2 is the axis. The type of joint is called a pivot joint, and often referred to as the no-no joint, because it is used to rotate your head left and right, as in saying 'no'.

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The atlanto-axial joint. Composed of the lateral and median atlanto-axial joints.

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Atlanto-occipital joint. Also called C0-1 joint (C0-C1).

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Q: What joint is between occipital bone and C1 vertebra?
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What kind of joint is at the base of the scull?

The base of the skull has a joint called the atlanto-occipital joint. It is a gliding joint that is between the occipital condyles of the occipital bone and the first cervical vertebra (C1). This type of joint is also called a synovial joint, or a freely movable joint. Another designation is diarthrotic joint.

Which vertebra articulates with the occipital bone?

The first cervical vertebra, called C1 or the atlas, articulates with the occipital bone.

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The occipital condyles of the occipital bones articulate with the first cervical vertebra.

What joint connects the atlas to occipital condyle?

The occipital condyles allow the head to turn side to side.

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The occipital bone articulates with the first cervical vertebra. This articulation happens at a marking on the occipital bone called the occipital condyle.

Nodding your head yes represents movement of which type of joint?

The atlanto-occipital joint. This is the articulation between the atlas (C1) and the occipital bone.

What bone is located at the base of the skull?

There are two joints at the base of the skull: - a condyloid joint between the occipital bone of the skull and the first (C1) vertebra, the atlas. - a pivot joint located between the C1 and C2 cervical vertebrae (atlas and axis).

The occipital condyles lay on which bone?

The occipital condyles "lay on", or articulate with, the lateral masses of the first cervical vertebra, also known as atlas.

What bone in the skull form a joint with a atlas?


What is a yes-yes joint?

The atlanto-occipital joint is commonly referred to as the 'yes-yes' joint.It consists of cervical vertebra number one (CI) and the condyles of the occipital bone on either side of the foramen magnum. They form a gliding joint which allows for movement in several directions, the most famous of these produces the head movement when we say, "Yes".

What does the vertebral column articulate with?

It articulates with each vertebra. Plus the occipital bone of the skull and the 12 pairs of ribs.