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i think that the answer is the sun but if that is not right i hope i was close.

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1mo ago

The Earth's atmosphere acts as a blanket, trapping heat from the sun to keep the planet warm. This process is known as the greenhouse effect. Additionally, the Earth's distance from the sun and its rotation help regulate the temperature by maintaining a balance between heat absorbed and heat released.

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Q: What keeps temperature on earth from getting too hot or cold?
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What keeps earth from getting to hot or cold?

Earth maintains a relatively stable temperature due to the greenhouse effect, where gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the sun. This helps regulate the planet's temperature by retaining some of the heat. Additionally, Earth's distance from the sun and its angle of tilt also play a role in preventing extreme hot or cold temperatures.

How cold does earth get?

The average temperature on Earth varies from around -88°C at the South Pole in Antarctica during the winter to around 56.7°C in hot deserts. However, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -89.2°C at the Soviet Union's Vostok Station in Antarctica in 1983.

Why is water cold in earth pots in summer season than during rains?

During the summer season, water in earth pots stays cooler because the surrounding temperature is higher, which helps dissipate heat from the water. During rains, the water in earth pots can be warmer because rainwater is typically closer to the ambient temperature, causing the water in the pots to warm up.

How does temperature and sun relate to each other?

Temperature and sun are related in that the sun is the primary source of heat for the Earth. The sun's energy warms the Earth's surface, which in turn affects the temperature of the air. Changes in the sun's intensity or Earth's distance from the sun can impact global temperatures.

What 3 main components of Earth influence the weather?

The Temperature: hot or cold air. The Wind: caused by temperature differential and earth's rotation. The Weather Fronts: boundaries between high/low pressure and cold/hot air.

Related questions

What keeps earth from getting to hot or cold?

Earth maintains a relatively stable temperature due to the greenhouse effect, where gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the sun. This helps regulate the planet's temperature by retaining some of the heat. Additionally, Earth's distance from the sun and its angle of tilt also play a role in preventing extreme hot or cold temperatures.

What keeps earth from getting too hot or too cold?

i think that the answer is the sun but if that is not right i hope i was close.

Does cold water dry your skin?

no,cold wated keeps your skin refreshed its keeps your skin from getting dry

Water keeps the planet from getting to hot and cold?

no !

What keeps the earth from becoming to hot during the day and to cold at night?

The atmosphere is responsible for absorbing excessive incoming solar energy, keeping the earth at an average temperature of approximately 15 degrees Celsius and preventing rapid changes in temperature.

Temperature of earth?

the temperature varies from hot to cold

What does it mean when the temperature gauge keeps going from cold to hot then back to cold?

Could be low on coolant or a sticky thermostat.

When the temperature is going up does it mean that its getting cold?

No, it does not.

Is the earth cold?

A: Earth has a minimum surface temperature of -88°C and a maximum surface temperature of 58°C.

What do a thermostat do on a car?

it keeps the temperature regulated. as in, it doesn't let the engine get too cold or hot.

What would cause The temperature indicator on your neon keeps cycling from hot to cold?

check antifreeze level

What keeps the temperature in southern India from going below freezing?

The Tall Mountains Block The Cold Air