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The hydrogen atom has 1 electron.

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Q: What kind of atom tends to have one electron?
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What kind of a tomb tends to lose one electron?

An atom with single electron in its outermost shell

What kind of atom tends to loose one electron?

The Alkali Metals loose one electron in order to achieve a nobel gas configuration.

What of atom tends to lose one electron?

Metals tend to lose electrons.

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All elements in the 7th family/group (2nd from the right) on the Periodic Table.

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What kind of bond is formed when one atoms steals one electron from another atom?

An ionic bond.

What kind of bond is formed when one atoms steals an electron from another atom?

An ionic bond.

If one element give an electron to another atom what kind of bond is formed?

This is an ionic bond.

What is likely to happen to an atom with one valence electron?

This atom lose an electron.

When is electron a valence electron?

A valence electron is one that occupies the highest energy level for any electron in a particular neutral atom. (There may be more than one such electron in a single atom.) It is an electron in the outermost shell of the atom.

What is the simplest kind of atom with only a single electron whirling around a single proton is called?

The simplest atom that has one electron and one proton is the Hydrogen atom.