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Q: What kind of consumer is a proboseis monkey?
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What kind of consumer is a howler monkey?

The Howler monkey in a herbivore, the diet mainly consistes of berries, leaves and leave litter.

Is a Howler monkey a scavenger a decomposer or a consumer?

a howler monkey is a omnivore. It eats plants (fruit) and they also eats meat(and kind of small realated bird).

Is a monkey a consumer?


Is a monkey a primary consumer or a secondary consumer?

A monkey is primary consumer because a monkey eats bananas and bananas are a fruit growing off a tree, and a primary consumer eats plants

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What type of consumer is a monkey?

It is a primary consumer

Is the monkey are primary consumer if a monkey eats banana?


Is a monkey a consumer producer or decomposer?

a decomposer

Is a monkey a producer consumer or a decomposed?

a decomposer

Is a monkey a decomposer consumer or producer?

a decomposer

What animal is an example of consumer?

There are many answers to this but some consumers are any kind of animals. It could be w bear, bird, monkey or even a salamander.

What is an example of a second level consumer in the rainforest?

a monkey!!