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It is the normalised Gaussian distribution.

To speak of a 'standard z' distribution is somewhat redundant because a z-score is already standardised. A z-score follows a normal or Gaussian distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. It's these specific parameters (this mean and standard deviation) that are considered 'standard'. Speaking of a z-score implies a standard normal distribution.

This is important because the shape of the normal distribution remains the same no matter what the mean or standard deviation are. As a consequence, tables of probabilities and other kinds of data can be calculated for the standard normal and then used for other variations of the distribution.

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Q: What kind of distribution is a standard z distribution?
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What proportion of a normal distribution is located between z-0.90 and z 0.90?

0.368 or 36.8%.And you should specify that it is a standard normal distribution.0.368 or 36.8%.And you should specify that it is a standard normal distribution.0.368 or 36.8%.And you should specify that it is a standard normal distribution.0.368 or 36.8%.And you should specify that it is a standard normal distribution.

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What is the shape of a z-score distribution?

The standard normal distribution or the Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.

What is the z value for a normal distribution?

If a random variable X has a Normal distribution with mean m and standard deviation s, then z = (X - m)/s has a Standard Normal distribution. That is, Z has a Normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Probabilities for a general Normal distribution are extremely difficult to obtain but values for the Standard Normal have been calculated numerically and are widely tabulated. The z-transformation is, therefore, used to evaluate probabilities for Normally distributed random variables.

The standard z-score such that 80 percent of the distribution is below to the left of this value is?

z = 0.8416

How do you find normal distribution of z-scores?

z-scores are distributed according to the standard normal distribution. That is, with the parameters: mean 0 and variance 1.

What is the standard normal distribution for the area to the left of z-1.35?


How the normal distribution could be transformed to a standard normal distribution?

You may transform a normal distribution curve, with, f(x), distributed normally, with mean mu, and standard deviation s, into a standard normal distribution f(z), with mu=0 and s=1, using this transform: z = (x- mu)/s

What is the z-values associated with the middle 44 percent of the standard normal distribution?

-0.772 < Z < 0.772

What is the distribution of absolute values of a random normal variable?

It is the so-called "half-normal distribution." Specifically, let X be a standard normal variate with cumulative distribution function F(z). Then its cumulative distribution function G(z) is given by Prob(|X| < z) = Prob(-z < X < z) = Prob(X < z) - Prob(X < -z) = F(z) - F(-z). Its probability distribution function g(z), z >= 0, therefore equals g(z) = Derivative of (F(z) - F(-z)) = f(z) + f(-z) {by the Chain Rule} = 2f(z) because of the symmetry of f with respect to zero. In other words, the probability distribution function is zero for negative values (they cannot be absolute values of anything) and otherwise is exactly twice the distribution of the standard normal.

What is the z score for a score of 75 if the mean of the distribution is 85 and the standard deviation is the distribution is 5?

z = (75 - 85)/5 = -10/5 = -2