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Q: What kind of dog did Meriwether Lewis have?
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What was the name of Meriwether Lewis' dog?

Seaman or Scannon

How did Meriwether Lewis dog die?

Lewis died of depression so his dog died of broken heart. :(

What was the name of meriwether lewis's dog?

I'm pretty sure the name of the dog was seaman or something....

What is Meriwether Lewis's real name?

Meriwether Lewis's real name is actually Meriwether Lewis.

How did Lewis and clark get the keelboat?

Meriwether Lewis bought the keelboat along with a black dog he named "Seamen".

Meriwether Lewis's middle name?

Edward. Meriwether Edward Lewis.

Why was Meriwether Lewis's dog named Newfoundland?

When Lewis and Clark returned to Thomas Jefferson he named the dog's breed newfoundland because the dog was there when they found new found land.

Where did Meriwether Lewis travel?

Meriwether Lewis traveled the NW to the Pacific Ocean.

What is Meriwether Lewis's birthday?

Meriwether Lewis was born on August 18, 1774.

Was Meriwether Lewis even-tempered?

yes, Meriwether Lewis was even tempered.

Who did Meriwether Lewis marry?

Meriwether Lewis never married, he was a lifelong bachelor.

Who was meriwether Lewis's wife?

Meriwether Lewis was a lifelong bachelor and never married.