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Solar energy is the light and heat from the sun. Solar energy can be harnessed either by solar cells which convert it into usable electricity, or passively as in the use of passive solar heating.

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Q: What kind of energy can be harnessed from the sun?
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What is the Definition of solar power?

Energy used for electric power harnessed from the Sun.

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Light energy, of which mostly comes from the sun - thereby solar energy.

What can the Sun be used to power?

Anything that takes electricity, essentially. The Sun's power can be harnessed using photovoltaic cells, which then make the energy into electricity.

Why is solar energy a renewable energy resource?

Sunlight can be harnessed to provide energy, and the sun will be shining for billions of years to deliver that energy. Each sunrise signals energy renewal.

Where in the world can solar power be used?

Wherever the sun shines, even for an hour a day, that energy can be harnessed and used.

What are three alterative energy sources?

It is, like all things, what you perceive it to be (or not to be).

When was wind energy first harnessed?

wind was first harnessed in 3500 BC

What kind of energy is energy from the sun?

the solar energy

What is solar energy harnessed for?


Where is solar power found?

Solar power can be found wherever the sun can be harnessed into energy. Germany currently uses the most solar power.

What kind of energy does the sun produce?

The sun produce light and nuclear energy

Why solar energy is harnessed?

Solar energy is harnessed because it is a renewable source of energy and we should make full use of it to lower the pressure on the traditional or non-renewable sources of energy.