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Chemical potential energy being converted to heat energy

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Vickie Schuster

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Wiki User

13y ago

A chemical change.

Think about it.

Once you burn the match into ashes, can you turn it back into a match?


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Lvl 1
4y ago

Gravitational potential energy being converted to heat energy

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Lvl 1
3y ago
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Lvl 1
3y ago
wrong it is Chemical potential energy being converted to heat energy
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Yerry Herrera Alvare...

Lvl 1
3y ago
your gonna died for answering wrong trust me you are

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Lvl 1
3y ago


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Yerry Herrera Alvare...

Lvl 1
3y ago
so dumb your also gonna died today for asnwering wrong

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Q: What kind of energy conversion is lighting a match an example of?
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Lighting a match changes chemical energy into heat and light The total amount of energy?

The total amount of energy remains constant, but it is transformed from chemical energy in the match head to thermal energy (heat) and electromagnetic energy (light) when the match is lit. This is an example of energy conservation in a closed system.

What is the energy conversion while liting a match stick?

When lighting a match stick, the chemical energy stored in the match head is converted to thermal energy through the process of combustion. This thermal energy produced causes the ignition of the match stick, releasing light and heat energy in the form of a flame.

Is lighting a match a chemical change?

Yes, lighting a match is a chemical change because the chemicals in the match head undergo a chemical reaction when exposed to heat from friction, resulting in the release of energy in the form of light and heat.

In the chemical reaction that takes place in the lighting of a match activation energy is supplied by?

The activation energy in the chemical reaction of lighting a match is supplied by the heat generated when the match is struck against the striking surface. This heat is enough to break the chemical bonds in the match head, leading to combustion and the release of energy in the form of light and heat.

How do you use activation energy in a sentence?

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. For example, when lighting a match, the activation energy provided by the friction between the match and the striking surface initiates the combustion reaction.

What kind of energy does an unlit match have?

Potential energy, released when the match is struck.

What are the disadvantages of lighting a match?

Some disadvantages of lighting a match include potential fire hazards if not carefully extinguished, production of smoke and sulfur odor, and the risk of burns or injuries if mishandled. Additionally, matches can be harmful if ingested or inhaled due to the chemicals used in their composition.

Where can environmentally friendly lighting be purchased?

Energy efficient lighting can be purchased in most DIY stores as an alternative to normal lighting fixtures. You can also purchase them online but please check your fitting to ensure it is a match for your light fixture and be aware that energy efficient lighting may be bigger than normal lighting purchases.

What kind of energy conversions taking place in lighting a match?

When a match is lit, chemical energy stored in the match head is converted to thermal energy through combustion. The thermal energy then ignites the wood in the match, producing light energy and more thermal energy due to the flame.

Is a burning match a example of physical energy into chemical energy?

Yes, a burning match is an example of chemical energy being released through a chemical reaction. When the match is ignited, the chemical bonds in the matchstick are broken down, releasing stored energy in the form of heat and light.

What type of energy transformation does burning match represents?

Burning a match represents a chemical energy transformation. The potential energy stored in the match's chemical bonds is converted into thermal energy, light, and sound energy when it is burned.

Which is not a physical change drying wet clothes cutting snowflakes from paper or lighting a match?

Lighting a match.