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1mo ago

Canyons are primarily formed by water erosion, typically from rivers or streams. The flowing water cuts through the rock over time, shaping the landscape into deep, narrow valleys. Additionally, other factors such as glaciers, wind, and tectonic activities can contribute to the erosion and formation of canyons.

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Related questions

Are canyons caused by erosion or weathering?

Canyons are mainly caused by erosion, particularly by the action of flowing water from rivers. Weathering, which is the breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces, can contribute to the process by making rocks more susceptible to erosion.

Most canyons are the result of erosion caused by?

Running water.

What are five landforms caused by river erosion?

Canyons, valleys, meanders, river terraces, and floodplains are five landforms caused by river erosion.

Most canyons are the results of erosion caused by what?

running, water, ocean ,rivers

Where can there be erosion's?

there can be erosion's on mountains, canyons, rivers, and streams.

Are all canyons created by water?

No, not all canyons are created by water. While many canyons are indeed formed by the erosion caused by rivers or streams, other canyons are created through other geological processes such as tectonic activity, volcanic activity, or glacial activity. These canyons can be formed by processes like faulting, volcanic eruptions, or the retreat of glaciers.

Is a canyon caused by deposition?

No, canyons are typically formed by erosion rather than deposition. They are created over time as rivers or streams cut through rock, wearing it down and creating steep-sided valleys. Deposition, on the other hand, involves the laying down of sediment in a new location.

Are Canyons made by erosion?


How were canyons created?

By upheaval and erosion.

Why slopes and ridges in canyons?

the erosion

What does erosion by streams produce?

deep canyons

What does water erosion do?

Water erosion makes valleys, canyons,and shortens coastlines.