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Q: What kind of free market do socialist have?
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Do you have a free market system in the US?

The economic system in the US is considered a mixed-economy. It has elements of both capitalism (free market system) and that of a socialist economy system.The economic system in the US is considered a mixed-economy. It has elements of both capitalism (free market system) and that of a socialist economy system.The economic system in the US is considered a mixed-economy. It has elements of both capitalism (free market system) and that of a socialist economy system.The economic system in the US is considered a mixed-economy. It has elements of both capitalism (free market system) and that of a socialist economy system.The economic system in the US is considered a mixed-economy. It has elements of both capitalism (free market system) and that of a socialist economy system.The economic system in the US is considered a mixed-economy. It has elements of both capitalism (free market system) and that of a socialist economy system.

What are the different views in economics?

Socialist or free market. All else is a twist on this. capitalism mixed market

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It is a Social Market. Kinda Kind of a socialist feel and kind of a capitalist feel.

Does Belarus have a free market ecomony?

No, it is actually Soviet (Predominantly Socialist) style

What kind of economy does US live in?

The United States says that it runs a free market economy, but if you look at the way it takes action involving businesses, its closest to a socialist economy.

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free market

How India is a socialist republic?

India is not a socialist republic. While the government controls a good deal of the economy, India has been moving towards a free market economy rapidly.

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a free economy with few goverment regulations

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What kind of system does the US have?

Capitalism Free Market Economy