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Q: What kind of igneous rock forms near the Earth's surface?
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What kind of igneous rock forms when lava cools at earths surface?

Such rock is extrusive igneous rock.

What is the kind of igneous rock that forms below earths surface called?

Intrusive igneous rock (plutonic rock).

When melted rock cools or hardens on or under earths surface it forms what kind of rock?

It forms an igneous rock. If it is within the Earth, then it is an intrusive igneous rock (e.g. granite) and if it is erupted onto Earth's surface then it is an extrusive igneous rock (e.g. basalt).

What kind of igneous rocks for on earths surface?

Some do. These are called extrusive igneous rocks. However a large portion of igneous rocks form beneath the surface. These are intrusive igneous rocks.

What kind of igneous rock form on or near the earths surface?

through volcanoes, lava comes out and when it cools it turns into igneous rock.

What kind of igneous rocks form on or near earths surface?

through volcanoes, lava comes out and when it cools it turns into igneous rock.

The kind of igneous rock that forms near earth's surface?

This kind of rock is called Extrusive. I hope that helped!

What kind of rock forms from magma that cools below the earth's surface?

Intrusive Igneous Rock.

What kind of rock forms from the lava of an erupting volcano?

Igneous rock forms from the lava of an erupting volcano. This rock is created when molten rock cools and solidifies, either on the surface (extrusive igneous rock) or beneath the Earth's surface (intrusive igneous rock). Examples of igneous rocks include basalt, rhyolite, and granite.

What kind of rock forms when hot molten rock cools deep under the surface of the earth?

These are igneous rocks.

What kind of rock is igneous rock that forms on earth's surface?

Basalt is extruded from volcanoes and MOR (mid ocean ridges). It actually forms in the earth's mantle and just solidifies on the earth's surface.

When lava flows and cools on Earth's surface it forms what kind of rock?

Igneous rock is formed through the cooling and solidificatio of magma or lava.