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he had sop

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Q: What kind of knee injury did Dwayne Johnson have?
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Why did dawayne Johnson quit football?

knee injury

What kind of injury did Triple H have?

a knee injury

Why couldn't Dwayne Johnson play in the NFL?

Hurt his knee while he played at the University of Miami.

Why isn't Shawn johnson competing in the 2012 Olympics?

Reoccurring knee injury

Why is shawn johnson important?

She was a gymnast. She has retired even though she is 20 do to a knee injury.

How much can i get for a knee injury?

how much can i get for a knee injury i had 3 knee surgerys

Is Shawn Johnson going to compete in 2012 olympics?

No. She has retired do to a knee injury. She injured herself while skiing in 2010.

What does it mean if you have a sudden knee injury for no apparent reason?

Sudden knee pain with no injury

When do you need to get a knee brace?

When you get a knee injury.

Is there a knee brace to help with the knee pain?

Depending on what kind of injury your knee suffered in the bike accident, you could benefit from several kinds of braces for your knee. There are braces that fit around like an ace bandage, the kind with the ball bearing hinge on the side, and there are some that can be fitted to your knee to accommodate for swelling.

How do you prevent knee injury?

Wear Knee Pads.

Did Shawn Johnson quit gymnastics?

No, she chose to retire just before the 2012 Olympic Trials because it was to hard for her to train and compete with her knee injury. But from the time she first got the knee injury right up until that point she was planning to try and make the 2012 Olympic team.