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The Siberian Tiger can run, climb, leap, and swim. Tigers stalk and kill their prey alone.

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Q: What kind of movement does a Siberian tiger use?
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What does the tiger use for movement?

Its legs.

What does the white sabirian tiger use as water?

there are no white siberian tigers. only bengal tigers can have white coats.

How does a Siberian tiger behave?

the behave good, always use manners and also when going out for dinner doesnt fart at the table. I must say great pet!

Why do people use Siberian tiger's fur?

because the people that kill it will sell it 2 rich people who would wear it as an underware and fashion coats isnt it so SAD

What is a tiger respiration?

excuse me but referring to a previous comment Siberian tigers do not live in Siberia they actually live in east Asia don't use this website as a source its pretty inaccurate

Who would win in a fight silver back gorilla vs grizzly bear?

a tiger is my favorite animal but as much as i think a tiger could take a ploar bear, i think a liger would waste a polar bear, so i would say liger You can't really say a liger would win because no one's ever made them fight. If you put them together they might mate instead. Siberian Liger OH GOD. As the one said above me I don't think he knows what he's talking about polar bear vs tigers but I think a liger would be win against tiger because it has a better reach and more strength though it doesn't have a fighting experience but he still got his instinct of fighting. Even though Ligers have health problems with their bones and joints also they are sluggish due to their size but in head to head combat Ligers would emerged victorious.

What brush do you use for Siberian husky?

You can use any kind of dog brush on a Siberian Husky. However I would recommend the FURminator, I have a 2 year old Husky and it works very well. You can buy one at Pet Smart, PetCo or find one at

What kind of movement did Rembrandt van Rijn use?

He belonged to the Baroque era.

What dangers does a Siberian tiger face?

Although the species has made a good comeback, there is still a poaching problem in some areas.

What kind of movement is curling into a ball?

Curling does not use a BALL. So, I am not sure what you are referring to.

Do Siberian tigers use the reproductive system?

yes they do

Who would win a fight a Siberian tiger or moose?

Tigers don't like animals that are able to fight against them. They would rather have one that runs away from it, and be in a location where they can leap on the back of the animal and deliver a killing bite to the neck. In an all-out fight though, a moose as a better chance of winning because of it's weapons (large antlers [bulls only during rutting period] and/or sharp hooves) that it is able to use against that tiger. Though tigers are quite fierce themselves, and are better equipped to defend and kill their prey. So it is likely, though after sustaining some serious lacerations, the Siberian Tiger may win.