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If you shone monochromatic light on a diffraction grating it would alternate bright and dark bands. Only white light white light shone through a diffraction grating would produce a band of colors.

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 2mo ago

You would observe multiple evenly spaced bright spots (maxima) and dark spots (minima) on either side of the central axis. These spots form a series of spectra, with the position and intensity of the spots determined by the wavelength of the light and the spacing of the grating lines.

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Q: What kind of pattern of light would you get if you shone monochromatic light on a diffraction grating?
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Why ordinary light is not used for the experiment diffraction grating?

Ordinary light is not used for diffraction grating experiments because it is not monochromatic, meaning it consists of multiple colors (wavelengths). A monochromatic light source, such as a laser, is required for diffraction grating experiments to produce clear and precise interference patterns.

What will be the resulting spectrum if use a monochromatic light instead of sodium vapour lamp in diffraction grating?

If monochromatic light is used instead of a sodium vapor lamp in a diffraction grating experiment, the resulting spectrum will contain a single wavelength with evenly spaced interference fringes. This is because monochromatic light consists of only one specific wavelength, resulting in a clear and distinct pattern of interference.

What is the nature of source of light use in diffraction grating?

The source of light used in a diffraction grating is typically a monochromatic and collimated light source, such as a laser. This type of light source emits a single wavelength of light in a narrow, parallel beam which is important for producing sharp and distinct diffraction patterns.

Determation of wave lenght using diffraction grating?

The wavelength of light can be determined using a diffraction grating by measuring the angles of the diffraction pattern produced by the grating. The relationship between the wavelength of light, the distance between the grating lines, and the angles of diffraction can be described by the grating equation. By measuring the angles and using this equation, the wavelength of light can be calculated.

What are the changes in diffraction pattern if monochromatic light is replaced by white light?

If monochromatic light is replaced by white light, the diffraction pattern will show a range of colors instead of a single color. This is because white light is a mixture of different wavelengths, each diffracting at different angles. The resulting diffraction pattern will be more colorful and dispersed compared to the pattern produced by monochromatic light.

Related questions

Why ordinary light is not used for the experiment diffraction grating?

Ordinary light is not used for diffraction grating experiments because it is not monochromatic, meaning it consists of multiple colors (wavelengths). A monochromatic light source, such as a laser, is required for diffraction grating experiments to produce clear and precise interference patterns.

What will be the resulting spectrum if use a monochromatic light instead of sodium vapour lamp in diffraction grating?

If monochromatic light is used instead of a sodium vapor lamp in a diffraction grating experiment, the resulting spectrum will contain a single wavelength with evenly spaced interference fringes. This is because monochromatic light consists of only one specific wavelength, resulting in a clear and distinct pattern of interference.

What is the nature of source of light use in diffraction grating?

The source of light used in a diffraction grating is typically a monochromatic and collimated light source, such as a laser. This type of light source emits a single wavelength of light in a narrow, parallel beam which is important for producing sharp and distinct diffraction patterns.

Determation of wave lenght using diffraction grating?

The wavelength of light can be determined using a diffraction grating by measuring the angles of the diffraction pattern produced by the grating. The relationship between the wavelength of light, the distance between the grating lines, and the angles of diffraction can be described by the grating equation. By measuring the angles and using this equation, the wavelength of light can be calculated.

What are the changes in diffraction pattern if monochromatic light is replaced by white light?

If monochromatic light is replaced by white light, the diffraction pattern will show a range of colors instead of a single color. This is because white light is a mixture of different wavelengths, each diffracting at different angles. The resulting diffraction pattern will be more colorful and dispersed compared to the pattern produced by monochromatic light.

How do you apply the diffraction of light in the real life?

The diffraction of light in the real life can be seen as a rainbow pattern on a DVD or CD. The closely spaced tracks function as diffraction grating. A credit card's hologram is another example diffraction light application in real life. The grating structure on the card produces the desired diffraction pattern.

Why does a diffraction grating will separate while light into colors?

A diffraction grating separates white light into colors because the grating contains multiple evenly spaced slits that cause constructive and destructive interference at different angles for different colors of light. This interference results in the dispersion of white light into its component colors when passing through the grating.

Why we Use of grating element in diffraction?

A grating element is used in diffraction to create a pattern of diffracted light that can be analyzed. The grating helps to separate out different wavelengths of light and can provide information on the composition of the light source or the spacing of the grating itself. This makes it a useful tool for studying the properties of light and materials.

How do you determine wavelength of source in diffraction grating?

In diffraction grating we use the expression N m L = sin @ Here N is the number of line per meter length in the gartin. m the order (1,2,3) L- lambda which stands for the wavelength of monochromatic light used to perform experiment And @ is the angle of diffraction for which we get maximum

Can diffraction be produced with white light or only with monochromatic light?

Diffraction can occur with white light as well as monochromatic light. When white light passes through a diffracting element, such as a narrow slit, it causes the light to spread out into its component colors, leading to a colorful diffraction pattern called a spectrum.

Why light incident on the side of grating which has no ruling?

When light is incident on the side of a grating that has no rulings, there will be no diffraction pattern generated as there are no slits for the light to diffract through. Instead, the light will either reflect or transmit through the material of the grating depending on its properties such as reflectivity and transparency. The absence of rulings means that there will be no interference effects or diffraction observed as with a regular grating.

How do you calculate wavelength from diffraction grating?

You can calculate the wavelength of light using a diffraction grating by using the formula: ฮป = dsinฮธ/m, where ฮป is the wavelength of light, d is the spacing between the grating lines, ฮธ is the angle of diffraction, and m is the order of the diffracted light. By measuring the angle of diffraction and knowing the grating spacing, you can determine the wavelength.