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The repercussions would include extinction of unstudied languages which already is happening at an alarming rate. studying languages can help us understand more clearly the way the human brain works so if we lose a language we potentially lose cures to all kinds of brain problems. Also languages hold clues to the histories of the people who speck them.

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4mo ago

The loss of linguistic diversity can lead to the disappearance of unique cultural knowledge, hinder intercultural communication and understanding, and contribute to the erosion of traditional ways of life. It can also contribute to social inequality and marginalization of minority language speakers.

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Q: What kind of repercussion exist as a result of the loss of lingustic diversity?
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Continue Learning about Chemistry

What element is responsible for a huge diversity of molecules?

Carbon is the element responsible for the huge diversity of molecules found in living organisms. Carbon's ability to form four covalent bonds with other elements allows for a wide variety of complex and stable molecular structures to exist. This versatility makes carbon the backbone of organic chemistry.

Does monoculture exist?

Yes, monoculture exists in agriculture where a single crop species is grown in a specific area, often leading to decreased biodiversity and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases. It can also exist in other contexts such as business or technology, where a single dominant product or idea prevails to the detriment of diversity and innovation.

What element allows life to exist on earth?

The element that allows life to exist on Earth is carbon. Carbon is a fundamental building block for organic molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, which are essential for life processes. Its unique ability to form complex molecular structures and bonds makes carbon well-suited for the diversity and complexity of living organisms.

Does isomerism exist in disaccharides?


Are there 1000 different elements in the existence?

There are more than 1000 known chemical elements, including the periodic table elements, isotopes, and synthetic elements created in labs. In terms of the diversity of elements in the universe, there are countless variations arising from different combinations and arrangements of these elements.

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I would not say that diversity is necessary for organizational success, but I would say, the education, training and understanding of diversity in organizations where it does exist is critical to its success.

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limits the different and diversity between the financial statements of entities.

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Papua New Guinea has the greatest linguistic diversity in East Asia, with over 800 languages spoken in the country.

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Getting people to accept that racism and prejudice still exist.

What is diversity consciousness?

Diversity consciousness is being aware of and sensitive to the different identities, cultures, perspectives, and experiences that exist within a society or organization. It involves recognizing and valuing the differences among individuals and promoting inclusivity and equality. Developing diversity consciousness helps foster a more inclusive and respectful environment for all.

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Inclusive practice includes all factions instead of limiting the scope of the practice. As a result, diversity is accomplished. Only with diversity can equality be gained for all.

What does product diversity mean?

Competitive markets exist when there is genuine choice for consumers in terms of who supplies the goods and services they demand

What is diversity in organisms?

Diversity in organisms refers to the variety of different species, genetic variation within a species, and the different ecosystems in which they exist. It plays a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance, resilience, and overall health of the planet.

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If Tinkerbell fairies exist today, it is as a result of the "Tinkerbell Effect" this means that they exist only to people who believe them or because people believe them.

What would result if Democracy did not exist?

well....why dont you figure it out yourself

What is meant by lower species diversity?

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