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Traditionally an amber rod, but a toothbrush handle or a comb will also work.

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Q: What kind of rod can be charged by rubbing it with a duster?
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What happens to a perspex rod when it is rubbed by a duster?

Both are originally have equal electrons and protons. After rubbing, electrons move to the duster, from the rod. The duster, as it gains electrons, has more electrons than protons, therefore becoming negatively charged. The rod, losing electrons, becomes negatively charged. then, the rod is able to momentarily pick up little bits of paper for short periods at a time.

When an acetate strip is charged by a rubbing does it acquire a positive charge or a negative charge?

A charged acetate strip would be negatively charged. So, it would acquire positive charge to become neutral.

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What charge does a acetate rod acquire when rubbed with a duster?

The acetate rod loses electrons and becomes positively charged.

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how would you use a duster to charge a plastic rod

When a polythene rod is rubbed with a duster it becomes negatively charged . why?

Because electrons are rubbed off the cloth and build up on the polythene.

Why does a charged glass rod attract charged plastic straw?

it is becuase when a glas rod charged by rubbing a cloth it aquires positive charge and when a plastic straw is charged by rubbing a cloth it aquires negative charge. Therefore a charged glass rod attracts a charged plastic rod.

When rubbing a wool sock on a glass rod what transfers to the sock?

The described action will leave the wool sock positively charged, as electrons will be transferred to the glass rod.

When a rubber rod is rubbed with wool the rod becomes negatively charged. what can you conclude about the magnitude of the wool's charge after the rubbing process?

Equal amount of positive charge in the woolReason: Just before rubbing both rod and wool are neutral. Now as we rub the rod with wool then loosely bound electrons get migrated right from wool to the rod. So rod gets excess electrons and balance between equal positive and negative goes off. So it gets negatively charged. If so then wool as it has lost electrons right from balancing it has to be positively charged

When a rubber rod is rubbed with wool the rod becomes negatively charged. What can you conclude about the magnitude of the wools charge after the rubbing process?

Equal amount of positive charge in the woolReason: Just before rubbing both rod and wool are neutral. Now as we rub the rod with wool then loosely bound electrons get migrated right from wool to the rod. So rod gets excess electrons and balance between equal positive and negative goes off. So it gets negatively charged. If so then wool as it has lost electrons right from balancing it has to be positively charged

When a rubber rod is rubbed with wool the rod becomes negatively charged what can you conclude about the magnitude of the wool's charge after the rubbing process?

Equal amount of positive charge in the woolReason: Just before rubbing both rod and wool are neutral. Now as we rub the rod with wool then loosely bound electrons get migrated right from wool to the rod. So rod gets excess electrons and balance between equal positive and negative goes off. So it gets negatively charged. If so then wool as it has lost electrons right from balancing it has to be positively charged

What happens when you rub vinyl with wool cloth?

You build a charge when rubbing vinyl with a wool cloth. The wool cloth is very weak in holding electrons so when you rub it with the ebonite rod the electrons transfer onto the rod. The rod is negatively charged (assuming that the rod was neutrally charged). The wool becomes positively charged (assuming that the wool was neutrally charged)