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Q: What kind of stimuli would one find in a arctic fox habitat?
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Would you be more likely to find reindeer near the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle?

There are no reindeer in Antarctica, only in the Arctic. You would be much more likely to find reindeer near the Arctic. It is logically impossible to find a mammal living in the Antarctic Circle. Although reindeer would be able to survive in the Antarctic Circle, they would soon develop hypothermia.

Would it be more likely to find reindeer near the Arctic or Arctic Circles?

Near the Arctic Circle.

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You won't find them at all in the Antarctic...that's the south pole. You will find them in the Arctic Circle.

Would be more likely to find reindeer near the Arctic or the Antarctic?

The Arctic

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Would you find a reindeer near the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle?

Arctic Circle

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