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Q: What kind of tone does Shakespeare create with the dialogue in this passage?
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From the dialogue in the passage, what kind of tone is creatednonchalantstubborndefeatedvictorious?


What kind of company did William Shakespeare join?

Shakespeare belonged to an acting company.

What kind of friendship was popular theme for shakespeare plays?

The kind of friendship that was a popular theme for Shakespeare's plays was romantic friendship.

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When you speak of this - and you will - be kind

What kind of writer is shakespeare?

He was a playwright and poet.

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Shakespeare's diction was blank verse, rhyme and prose.

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Supposedly a comedy.

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An imaginary one.

What kind of works did William Shakespeare produce?

Poetry and plays.

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it kind of did and it kind of didnt

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Shakespeare didn't have women actors because back when he was living women weren't aloud to have that kind of job