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They used an auger to bore holes in wood. A more sophisticated version that would be used later was called a brace and bit.

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Q: What kind of tool did pioneers use to drill holes?
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What is the tool called which starts off holes?

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Tool to make holes?

Drill, brace, morticer, auger, hole-punch and a non-common tool a Awl

What is brace tool use for?

A brace tool is used for boring holed in wood. This is a handheld tool that relies on the pressure applied to drill holes.

What tool drills holes?

A drill bit (hand or machine) is designed to drill a hole through either wood or metal material.

Drill with an all?

An AWL is a short pointed tool for making small holes. Mostly used in leather making. You cannot drill with it, it's smooth.

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An adz is a boring tool that starts with A and ends with Z. It's used to make holes.

What type of simple machine is a hand drill?

hand drill machine is a hand tool used to make holes on hard surfaces with the help of a rotating drill bit as its cutting edge

What is a tool for a boring holes with five letters?

How about bit (as in drill bit) or possibly awl.

What is the function of a drill?

A glass drill is a specialized tool used to make holes in glass. Typically it will have a diamond tipped drill bit. This tool is needed because glas is very strong and delicate, and a typical drill will crack or shatter the glass rather than make a smooth hole.

What is a tool for making holes?

There are many tools designed to make holes. A hand punch, an awl, a drill bit, a hole saw, and many more.

What is the function of a glass drill?

A glass drill is a specialized tool used to make holes in glass. Typically it will have a diamond tipped drill bit. This tool is needed because glas is very strong and delicate, and a typical drill will crack or shatter the glass rather than make a smooth hole.

What type of tool to go through a crust?

The type of tool I would use if I was doing this kind of question is a drill