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Treblinka was an extermination camp, not an ordinary concentration camp. The idea was to kill new arrivals as soon as possible. It served no other purpose. A very small number of new arrivals were made to help with the extermination process itself. In particular they had to dig mass graves and sort the belongings that the newly arrived and gassed victims had brought with them.

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Treblinka was specifically an extermination camp, which meant that very few Jews actually did any work there, most Jews who were sent there were immediately killed on arrival. However, the Jews who did do work at Treblinka were mostly employed to do manual labour, especially construction work.

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What kind of people were sent to treblinka?

the vast majority were Jews, a large proportion were from the Warsaw ghetto.

How many people died Treblinka?

An estimated 850,000+ were Holocaust victims at Treblinka. It had the highest death toll after Auschwitz.

Who were the people that were sent to treblinka?

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The most common way people died in Treblinka was by Gassing but not by Zyklon B but instead by Carbon Monoxide.

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Treblinka II was an extermination camp and only about 40 people survived - that is, were still alive at the end of World War 2 in Europe. None of them is particularly famous.

What are all the ways they killed people at treblinka death camp?

shooting them and gas chambers

How many people died in Treblinka during The Holocaust?

A widely accepted figure is about 870,000.

Did Treblinka have tattoos?

No. Only the Auschwitz group of camps used tattoos - and then only for prisoners selected for work.