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Q: What kinds of clouds form along the front figure 2?
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What kinds of clouds form along the front figure 1?


Does lightning go from earth to clouds or from clouds to earth?

Lightning typically travels from clouds to the ground, but it can also occur between clouds or within a cloud. This happens when electrical charges build up in the clouds and discharge towards the ground, creating a lightning strike.

What kinds of clouds are the kind that are high thin bumpy clouds?

These clouds are called "cirrus" which is derived from the Latin word meaning "curl". The clouds are made mostly of tiny ice crystals and form at altutudes above 8000 metres, where water vapour is scarce.

What types of clouds are associated with a warm front?

Generally speaking, both stratiform and convective clouds will produce precipitation. So stratus cloud ("scud") and stratocumulus will produce drizzle, cumulus and/or cumulonimbus will produce showers of rain, snow or hail, while altostratus and nimbostratus will produce rain or snow. The middle level cloud altocumulus castellanus will produce light showers. Cirrus is composed of ice crystals and while virga (rain falling but evaporating) can sometimes be seen, high level cloud rarely produces precipitation. Bear in mind that the low, middle and high cloud etages vary in height with latitude so cirrus may be reported over polar regions at 10,000 ft, so it's possible that precipitation may fall from cirrus over high latitude regions.

What are two kinds of clouds made by humans called?

Two kinds of clouds made by humans are contrails, which are formed by aircraft engine exhaust condensing in cold air, and cloud seeding, which involves dispersing substances into the atmosphere to induce or enhance cloud formation for weather modification purposes.

Related questions

What kinds of clouds form along the front figure 1?


What kinds of clouds were out today?

there were no clouds

Why do you get different kinds of clouds?

clouds tell you what the weather is going to be, so that is why there are so many kinds.

Name two kinds of clouds made by humans?

name two describe two kinds of clouds by humans

What kinds of clouds form thunderstorms?

Cumulonimbus clouds, also known as thunderstorm clouds, are responsible for forming thunderstorms. These clouds are tall, dense, and have a flat, anvil-shaped top. They can produce heavy rainfall, lightning, thunder, and sometimes hail.

Which of the following is the main idea sentence.A. Clouds can be used to predict weather.B. So, watch the clouds to figure out tomorrow's weather.C. This is because different types of clouds bring different kinds of weather?

Yes, different types of clouds do sometimes bring different types of weather. For example: Clouds with nimbus/nimbo words in their name usually bring rain or snow.

What are two kinds of clouds made by humans?

Two kinds of clouds made by humans are contrails, which form behind airplanes as a result of water vapor in the aircraft exhaust condensing, and pyrocumulus clouds, which form above large wildfires due to the intense heat convection caused by the fire.

What is the phase change that creates snow?

the clouds turn in to diffrent kinds of clouds.

Does lightning go from earth to clouds or from clouds to earth?

Lightning typically travels from clouds to the ground, but it can also occur between clouds or within a cloud. This happens when electrical charges build up in the clouds and discharge towards the ground, creating a lightning strike.

How can clouds help controle climate?

Because there are many kind of clouds that makes and tells the different kinds of climate.such as stratus,cirrus. u can find more at

What kinds of clouds you can see before a tornado?

you will see Cumulonimbus clouds before a tornado which are large, dark, anvil-shaped clouds.

what exactly is cloud computing options?

Cloud computing is the next generation in Internet storage. You can get 3 different kinds of clouds. There are public clouds, private clouds, and hybrid clouds.