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People likely had to learn new languages, adapt to different climates, foods, and cultures, and establish ways to communicate and trade with indigenous peoples. They also had to navigate unfamiliar terrains, find sources of food and water, and develop innovative technologies and tools to survive in their new environments. Additionally, they had to establish social structures and governance systems to ensure their communities' stability and success.

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Q: What kinds of things do you think people had to do to adapt to new continents?
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What kinds of things are you more likely to see in a rural setting then in the city?

In a rural setting, you are more likely to see open landscapes, farms, wildlife, and fewer buildings and people compared to a city setting. Additionally, rural areas typically have less infrastructure and amenities such as public transportation or large shopping centers.

How are the three kinds of regions defined?

Regions are typically defined based on physical characteristics like climate, vegetation, and landforms (physical regions), or on human characteristics like economic, cultural, or political factors (functional regions). Formal regions are delineated by official boundaries like states or counties, while vernacular regions are based on perceived characteristics or stereotypes like the American South or the Midwest.

What might you learn about where you live by studying and comparing diffrent kinds of maps?

By studying and comparing different kinds of maps, you can learn about the geography, topography, infrastructure, land use, and demographic characteristics of where you live. Each map provides a unique perspective and can offer insights into things like transportation networks, natural features, population distribution, and historical developments in the area. Comparing these maps can help you gain a comprehensive understanding of your surroundings.

What kinds of things are you more likely to see in city than in the country?

In a city, you are more likely to see tall buildings, public transportation systems, crowded streets, diverse cultures, and a wide range of dining and entertainment options compared to the countryside.

What are two kinds of mountains?

Two kinds of mountains are volcanic mountains, which form from volcanic activity, and fold mountains, which form from tectonic plate collisions causing the Earth's crust to fold and create mountain ranges.

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i have no clue

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Does Ireland have the same things as America?

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