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Probably English or Arabic

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Q: What laguage might dominate in the future?
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they use sigh laguage and they make up laguage.

Is language is a permanent study?

yes, you can go to uni and get a degree in a laguage, that is what laguage teachers at school do.

What is China's laguage?


What is England's laguage?


Which is the oldest laguage in india?


What laguage do poland speak?


Is this sentence correct don't let your doubts dominate in your future?

Take out the in and yes!

What is the laguage of Bhutan?

Dzongkha. But they also speak English.

What is the Comanche laguage?

Type your answer here... what the.............why am i answering this crap

What language might dominate in the future?

It is difficult to predict with certainty, but languages like English, Mandarin, and Spanish are likely to continue to dominate globally due to their widespread use in business, education, and technology. Additionally, with the rise of technology and global communication platforms, languages may become more interconnected and diverse.

Mele Kalikimaka is merry christmas in what laguage?

Hawaiian language

What is the laguage of Canada?

Two official languages: English and French