

Best Answer

This appears to be Latin, but grammar may not be correct. It also has some elements of the dummy "Lorem ipsum..." text which is used as a filler text in printing, typesetting, etc.

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Q: What language is this in Aliquam erat volutpat Aliquam suscipit erat ac nunc Aliquam molestie ligula a turpis sollicitudin semper Etiam ac sem Nulla facilisi Vestibulum scelerisque ante sed enim?
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no idea mate, im doing the same projectif you find out let me know, Depending on what language you are using, possible solutions may vary. Personaly, using, i created a segment class inheriting from usercontrol class, with properties of lit(boolean) and orientation(veritcal/horizontal) then put 7 of these onto another user control, and had arrays specifying which ones light up for each number. As for holding a key down, just have an incrememnting variable under a forms keydown event. McDonger I have done it already an it works here is my code: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla nec est. Suspendisse hendrerit felis ac odio. Ut a elit. Vivamus fermentum mi vel sapien. Aenean et tortor. Donec ante ipsum, volutpat non, eleifend vel, accumsan sit amet, eros. In dolor massa, blandit eget, cursus non, suscipit eget, ante. Ut nisi. Sed rutrum, ante sit amet mollis ullamcorper, libero DUI lacinia ante, vel ornare urna mauris ac mi. Nunc porttitor. Ut molestie arcu a ipsum varius tempor. Fusce tempus pulvinar est. In egestas nibh sit amet diam. Vivamus vel lacus eu risus suscipit vestibulum. Quisque lacinia. Cras risus. Fusce suscipit tempus est. Quisque sed tortor. Curabitur scelerisque, tellus eget pharetra euismod, est mi auctor Leo, sed scelerisque ligula ante sed Leo. Integer sit amet DUI. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus tortor. Donec justo. Curabitur elit enim, tempor ac, vestibulum in, facilisis at, mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam sagittis luctus turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut ultrices condimentum felis. Aenean laoreet, arcu a sagittis iaculis, velit mi consectetuer Leo, sit amet pulvinar enim purus at libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer condimentum DUI ac mi. In malesuada. Nulla facilisi. Sed pulvinar, arcu eu viverra suscipit, urna massa lobortis ipsum, sit amet facilisis tortor orci eu augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut in arcu posuere augue consequat placerat. Morbi sollicitudin turpis in lectus. Quisque laoreet, dolor vel scelerisque tincidunt, Leo metus congue erat, vel euismod augue dolor ac arcu. In libero. Aliquam cursus. Vestibulum nisi nulla, convallis ut, auctor ut, viverra at, est. Duis laoreet, enim quis feugiat scelerisque, lorem erat posuere tortor, ac nonummy ipsum quam bibendum risus. Cras euismod tempus purus. Nulla in nulla. Donec urna mauris, porttitor sit amet, gravida quis, fermentum at, erat. Nullam augue. Vivamus mauris. Sed magna ante, ullamcorper in, accumsan ac, laoreet sed, purus. Fusce quis ante. Nulla facilisi. Donec pharetra varius orci. Sed neque. Curabitur lobortis adipiscing turpis. Sed convallis laoreet massa. Morbi iaculis lobortis risus. Etiam mauris enim, mattis ac, luctus condimentum, interdum ut, orci. Curabitur porttitor pellentesque Leo. Vestibulum nunc erat, sollicitudin id, dapibus a, accumsan id, elit. Sed pretium. Ut dignissim ligula sit amet dolor. Integer sodales dapibus pede. Sed faucibus facilisis magna. Curabitur tempor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam malesuada enim a urna. Nulla facilisi. Nunc diam nisi, aliquet ullamcorper, viverra sit amet, vehicula accumsan, ligula. Maecenas lacinia, ante at luctus malesuada, ligula libero nonummy est, at convallis nisi tellus nec magna. Duis pede. Sed porttitor. Mauris sagittis, odio eget accumsan condimentum, elit tortor interdum arcu, eu aliquam massa sapien quis est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce quis DUI nec velit tristique aliquet. Donec sed lacus et ipsum tristique faucibus. Vestibulum malesuada sodales sem. Pellentesque varius vestibulum pede. Suspendisse in urna a ligula porta varius. Sed aliquam augue pharetra ipsum. Etiam tempus lorem ut erat. Aenean laoreet, massa non consequat imperdiet, tellus nulla tempus enim, vel fermentum nunc lectus et mauris. Suspendisse ut sapien nec mauris dignissim venenatis. Duis molestie sapien quis lectus. In vehicula, Leo id euismod porta, eros massa lobortis Leo, eu molestie lacus felis nec tortor.

What language is vestibule from?

The word "vestibule" is from Latin and originally referred to a passage leading to a building's interior. It is commonly used today to describe an entrance hall or lobby.

What was the language of the Romans and why?

Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.

Difference between second language and target language?

the second language is the language that one learns after ones native language,whereas target the language is the language of translation,situation or sitting in which reader needs to ude the language.

Is c is regular language?

it is not regular language .it is high level language

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language before c language is pascal

Is a query language procedural language?

isA query language is a procedural language.

What language's name is a palindrome?

The Malayalam language. This is an Indian language.

Is the language Bengali a real language?

Yes, Bengali is a real language. It is the official language of Bangladesh and the second most spoken language in India. The language is also known as Bangla.

When a language is used in a country as the main language how is it called?

Normally, the main language is the official language in a country. In countries without an official language, such as the United States, the main language is called the national language.

What are the three forms a language can take?

Spoken language, written language, and signed language.

What is the difference between second language and native language?

A second language (L2) is any language learned after the first language or mother tongue. A native language is the language a human being learns from birth.