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A is the layer of the soil profile in which most organic material is found.

Specifically, there are five layers in the soil profile. The first, A layer of organic matter claims the first two inches and contains plant debris. The second, A layer of surface soil comprises the next ten inches down. Below it will be found the third, B layer of subsoil containing aluminum, clay, iron and organic compounds and going down 30 inches; the fourth, C layer of parent rock going down 48 inches; and the fifth, final, R layer of bedrock.

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Q: What layer in the soil profile has the most organic material?
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What is the layer of soil with the most organic material?

The organic level which is the uppermost level of the soil.

Which layer in a soil profile contains the most organic matter the A horizon or O horizon?

The O horizon contains the most organic matter in a soil profile. It is the top layer of organic material such as decaying leaves, branches, and other plant debris that is actively decomposing. The A horizon, also known as the topsoil, is a layer rich in minerals and organic matter that is developed from the decomposition of plant material in the O horizon.

Which layer in soil contains the most organic matter?

the layer the contain the richest material is the top soil :)

Which layer in a soil profile contains the most organic matter?

The O horizon contains the most organic matter. The O horizon overlies the A horizon which is known as the mineral horizon. O - organic A - mineral E - elluviation B - illuviation C - parent material R - bedrock This is the order in which you will see standard soil horizons.

What layer of soil has the most organic material?

This largely depends on the soil and how the soil is tilled by each individual gardener or farmer. Typically the Top Soil will have the most nutrients available.

Is feces organic?

Most of it would be because feces is the result material that is organic.

How would you describe topsoil?

topsoil is the top layer. its a mixture of small rock pieces, humus, and other organic material. most living things are in the topsoil. rain sinks into the topsoil. it carries minerals to the subsoil (2nd layer)

What are soil levels made up of and how deep are they?

there is the organic layer which is the top most layer and its about 8cm deep

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Which contains the most organic material?

uhhh.... I <3 CHEEZE

What is the soil layer with the most parent material?

Top soil