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A reduced blood flow to the kidneys

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Beulah Skiles

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2y ago
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13y ago

an increased number of RBCs

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Q: What leads to increased erythropoiesis?
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Does chronic bleeding ulcer increase erythropoiesis?

increased demand for oxygen

What would cause increased erythropoiesis?

Increased erythropoiesis can be stimulated by conditions like hypoxia (low oxygen levels), anemia, high altitude, chronic kidney disease, or certain medications like erythropoietin. These conditions trigger the release of erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Does erythropoiesis require folate?

Erythropoiesis requires B12, Folic acid and iron.

How to overcome the budget deficit?

Cut personal taxes - this increases consumer spending - this leads to growth - this leads to increased GDP - this leads to increased business/corporation taxation income- this pays the budget deficit.

Do hemorrhoids cause erythropoiesis?


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Sugar leads to diabetes. Salt leads to increased blood pressure and hypertension.

What describes the relationship between human capital and productivity?

Increased human capital leads to increased productivity.

What slows down erythropoiesis?


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What does Erythropoiesis not require?

vitamin K

What are the stimuli for erythropoiesis?

There are three main events that are considered stimuli for erythropoiesis. These are aerobic exercises, living in an environment with a high altitude, and hemorrhages.

What has the author Sanford B Krantz written?

Sanford B. Krantz has written: 'Erythropoietin and the regulation of Erythropoiesis' -- subject(s): Erythropoiesis, Erythropoietin