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King Phillip II amassed debt due to spending on grandiose projects and by 1600 it reached 85.5 million ducats.

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There was a lack of strong leadership and economic problems were also to blame.

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Q: What led to the decline of spanish power in the 1600's?
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How did resources of spanish colonies in the Americas contribute to the decline of Spain?

Spain went into decline because treasures were being brought back from the Americas. This led to neglect of farming, which caused inflation.

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The decline of the Inca Empire was primarily due to the arrival of Spanish conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro in the 16th century. The Inca were vulnerable to Spanish diseases, conquered through military tactics, and weakened by internal divisions that the Spanish exploited. This ultimately led to the fall of the Inca Empire.

What factor led to the decline of the Spanish empire?

inflation and a growing population made it harder to maintain colonies.

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The lack of money led to their decline.

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The Catholic Spanish wished to overthrow the Protestant English Queen Elizabeth but the English defeated them and it led to the decline of Spain.

How did resources of spanish colonies in the Americas contribute to decline of Spain?

Spain went into decline because treasures were being brought back from the Americas. This led to neglect of farming, which caused inflation.

How did resources in Spanish colonies in the Americas contribute to the decline of Spain?

Spain went into decline because treasures were being brought back from the Americas. This led to neglect of farming, which caused inflation.

Who led th cavinists in the 1600s?

The Calvinists were led by the Roman Catholic Church.

What was the event that led to the eclipse of Spanish power and the Ascendancy of the English in 1588?

the sinking of the Spanish Armada

What events led to the Decline of the Empire?

The Aztecs had a lot of enemies and when the Spanish conquistadors arrived to Mexico the Aztec enemies were more than happy to help the Spanish destroy the Aztecs.

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Philip III of Spain was generally well-liked by his subjects due to his piety and personal integrity. However, his reign was marked by economic challenges and aggressive foreign policies that led to a decline in Spanish power and influence. This decline could have caused dissatisfaction among some of his subjects.

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When the United States entered the war, the Axis powers began to fail.