

What levels of fitness does a squash player need?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What levels of fitness does a squash player need?
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You need to work your way up the levels, so get into county team/nationals/regional etc. You will then be scouted to play professionally. You need good stamina/fitness levels, team work, agility, skill, height, speed.

Why do you need fitness?

we need fitness so you dont gain alot of weight and we need fitness you can exercise and get fit.

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being able to run for a long time and skill with the ball

Do you capitalize Fitness in a sentence?

No, there is no need to capitalise fitness in a sentence.

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What kind of squash equipment is needed to play the game?

If you are interested in playing squash, you will need a well-balanced racquet. You will also need the right kind of shoes and a squash ball. The balls are made of a special type of rubber.

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because when you are fat, you need to increase your fitness level, so by doing more exersice you will look as skinny as a stick in one day. but lets get real for a second because you will actually become thinner than a stick like me

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There is a great relationship between food and exercise. The more exercise you get the more food you need to eat.

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need help .

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need to be physically well and have general good fitness.

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The referees need a very high level of fitness, as they have to run around for over 90 minutes, they need very good eyes as well and stamina to.