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I think it's Greenland (Denmark)

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Q: What location was formed one thousand years from thawing and freezing water?
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What was formed over thousands of years because of the thawing and freezing of water?

it formed glaciers it formed glaciers

What is the cycle of freezing and thawing in the cracks of rocks called?

It is called frost heave, frost wedging, and freeze/thaw cycle, an example of mechanical weathering. Cracks formed in rocks by the pressure of freezing allow water to penetrate further, and enlarge the crack when that water freezes, gradually reducing the size of the rock body.

How are formed?

water freezing

How are glacires formed?

water freezing

Can you freeze chocolate mud cake?

You cannot freeze chocolate pudding, and expect it retain its integrity after thawing - as for any milk-based custard. The ice crystals that formed upon freezing will melt and drain, leaving your pudding separated, cracked and lumpy, and your crust soggy.

How were the Alberta Badlands formed?

The badlands where formed by thawing. the badlands where once covered in water and then it froze for the iceage.........then all the ice melted and all there was left was layers of rocks and hoodoos.

What is formed by a mixture of melting and freezing ice crystals?


What is the name of ice that is formed by freezing of the dripping water?

an icicle

Is water freezing an example of a different substance being formed?

No it is not!

Does acid rain cause potholes?

While acid rain can accelerate the deterioration of roads and pavement by weakening the materials they are made of, it is not a direct cause of potholes. Potholes are usually formed by a combination of factors, such as water seepage, freezing and thawing cycles, and traffic wear and tear.

How did Bryce Canyon Form?

Bryce Canyon was formed by erosion, particularly by frost-wedging and rainwater. The freezing and thawing of water within the cracks in the rocks caused them to break apart, creating the unique spires, or hoodoos, that give Bryce Canyon its distinctive landscape. Over millions of years, this erosion sculpted the intricate rock formations that we see today.

What word is formed from the Latin root meaning thousand?

millia = thousand milimetre = a thousand metres millipede = a thousand feet (the insect, not the measurement) milligram = a thousand grams millilitre = a thousand litres