

What machine can turn motion into electricity?

Updated: 5/30/2024
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Lvl 1
10y ago

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Dynamos and turbines.

For example: a windmill converts the kinetic energy of the wind into electric energy.

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Laurence Aufderhar

Lvl 13
2y ago
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1w ago

A generator is a machine that can convert motion, such as spinning or rotating movement, into electricity. This is achieved by moving a coil of wire through a magnetic field, which generates an electric current. Generators are commonly used in wind turbines, hydroelectric dams, and some portable devices like hand-crank chargers.

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10y ago

The generator or the alternator can change movement into electricity. The movement of the engine transferred to the generator will cause the generator to create electricity and charge a battery.

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What is a machine that produces electricity by changing energy of motion into electical energy?

A generator is a machine that produces electricity by converting the mechanical energy of motion into electrical energy. This process involves a coil of wire rotating within a magnetic field to generate an electromotive force, leading to the production of electricity. Generators are commonly used in power plants to generate electricity on a large scale.

What is a machine that converts electricity into movement?

An electric motor is a machine that converts electricity into movement. It uses electromagnetic fields to create rotational motion, which can be used in various applications such as industrial machinery, appliances, and electric vehicles.

How is electricity transformed into motion?

A motor transforms electricity. Inside the motor, there is a permanent magnet and an electromagnet, which can rotate. When the circuit is closed, the electromagnet is constantly repelled and attracted to the permanent magnet. This will cause the electromagnet to turn. It also causes anything that is attached to the electromagnet to turn, causing motion.

What machine fast moving air turns turbines that spin a generator to create electricity?

A wind turbine is a machine that uses fast moving air to turn its blades connected to a turbine. The turbine, in turn, spins a generator that produces electricity. This is a renewable energy source known as wind power.

What kind of simple machine is a srew driver?

A screwdriver is a type of wheel and axle simple machine. It consists of a handle (wheel) that rotates and applies force to turn a screw (axle). The threading on the screw converts rotational motion into linear motion.

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How power is produced?

It is produced by hydroelectric dams. In these dams, falling water (water in motion) is used to turn turbines which rotate the alternator - the machine that generates the electricity.

How is hydroelectric power produced?

It is produced by hydroelectric dams. In these dams, falling water (water in motion) is used to turn turbines which rotate the alternator - the machine that generates the electricity.

What is a machine that produces electricity by changing energy of motion into electrical energy?

A generator.

What is a machine that produces electricity by changing energy of motion into electical energy?

A generator is a machine that produces electricity by converting the mechanical energy of motion into electrical energy. This process involves a coil of wire rotating within a magnetic field to generate an electromotive force, leading to the production of electricity. Generators are commonly used in power plants to generate electricity on a large scale.

Who was the first person to try to make a perpetual motion machine?

The first known attempt to create a perpetual motion machine was by Indian mathematician Bhaskara II in the 12th century. He proposed a wheel that he believed could run indefinitely without an energy source.

What is the purpose of a generator in terms of energy?

It uses magnetic field to turn motion into electricity

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Motion sensors in schools can enhance security by detecting unauthorized movements and alerting authorities. They can help prevent intruders from entering the premises, as well as notify school staff of unusual activity in real-time. Overall, motion sensors contribute to a safer environment for students, teachers, and staff.

What is the primary purpose of a generator in terms of energy?

It uses magnetic field to turn motion into electricity

How is electricity formed into motion?

electricity is formed into motion by a motor

Can you get famous for inventing an electric car that doesnt run out of electricity?

Yes, since that would similar to a perpetual motion machine.

How is electricity transformed into motion?

A motor transforms electricity. Inside the motor, there is a permanent magnet and an electromagnet, which can rotate. When the circuit is closed, the electromagnet is constantly repelled and attracted to the permanent magnet. This will cause the electromagnet to turn. It also causes anything that is attached to the electromagnet to turn, causing motion.

How can wind and water can be used as a source of electricity?

Wind and water force can be used to turn turbines which in turn produce electricity. I'm not entirely sure how turbines work but I believe that the turning motion produces kinetic energy which can be harnessed as electricity.