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Q: What made Alfred wegner come up with Pangaea?
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How many kids did Alfred wegener have?

Alfred Wegner had didnt have any kids because his wife wanted to but soon after they made a confirmation, Alfred Wegner died of heart failure.

How did Alfred Wegner think mountains were formed?

Alfred Wegner thought they where made by such a huge force that comes form two continents smashing together.

What does the Theory of Continental Drift?

the movement of the continent i :-)

Who made a theory fo pangaea?

The person who made the theory for Pangaea was Wegener Alfred made in 1910. Also, for more information type in goggle: Wegener's Evidence Booklet. Hope it helped you.

Who came up with continental drift?

Alfred Wegner made the theory of continental drift and he proved his theory was right and he was right because back then the seven continents were were like one big continent until Wegner new that the continents were drifting apart. He had prove and his prove was that the seven continent were like a jigsaw puzzle, and that the remains of crocodiles and other rare animals were found in America and Africa. Although it has to be said it doesnt take a genius to note the continents were once joined judging by their shape, and that children have been noting this for years CHILDREN!

What are facts for PANGAEA?

Pangaea is a "super continent." Pangaea is all seven continents together. Alfred Wegner is the person that made the continental drift theory. No one believed him until years after he died they found proof that he was right.1. They found the same animals and plants fossils in different continents.2. They fit perfectly together, like a puzzle.3. Rocks on two continents look exactly alike.

How did wegner stummble upon the matching continents that formed pangaea?

Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of Pangaea by observing how certain continents seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces, noticing similarities in rock formations and fossils on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean. This led him to suggest that the continents were once connected as a single landmass before drifting apart.

Wegner's theory of continental drift?

His theory is that all the continents were connected and made a super continent called Pangaea then eventually the moving of tectonic plates over the millions of years caused the continents moves apart.

What is the name of the super-continent?

Pangaea don't no

Pangaea was an ancient continent made up of?

Pangaea was made up of the current major continents on Earth, where they were once combined in one continent.

Why did no one believe Alfred wegner about his theory until he died?

No one believed Weger because the idea of the continents all being one sounded impossible. But then again how were mountains created, how were earthquakes made. They were made because the continets pushed together and pulled away from each other.

What made Pangaea to start splitting?

ate fire